18 Articles tagged “Common-Lisp”

The Emacs Conference is happening, it’s real, and it will take place at the end of this month in London. Check it out, and register at Emacs Conference Event Brite. It’s free and there’s still some availability. *It's all about Emacs, and it rocks!* We have a great line-up for this conference, which makes me proud to be able to be there. If you’ve ever been paying attention when using Emacs then you’ve already heard those names: Sacha Chua is frequently blogging about how she manages to improve her workflow thanks to Emacs Lisp, John Wiegley is a proficient Emacs contributor maybe best known for his ledger Emacs Mode, then we have Luke Gorrie who hacked up SLIME among other things, we also have Nic Ferrier who is starting a revolution in how to use Emacs Lisp with elnode.

While making progress with both Event Triggers and Extension Templates, I needed to make a little break. My current keeping sane mental exercise seems to mainly involve using Common Lisp, a programming language that ships with about all the building blocks you need. *Yes, that old language brings so much on the table* When using Common Lisp, you have an awesome interactive development environment where you can redefine function and objects while testing them.

pgloader is a tool to help loading data into PostgreSQL, adding some error management to the COPY command. COPY is the fast way of loading data into PostgreSQL and is transaction safe. That means that if a single error appears within your bulk of data, you will have loaded none of it. pgloader will submit the data again in smaller chunks until it’s able to isolate the bad from the good, and then the good is loaded in.

Thanks to Mickael on twitter I got to read an article about loosing scope with some common programming languages. As the blog article Lost in scope references functional programming languages and plays with both Javascript and Erlang, I though I had to try it out with Common Lisp too. So, here we go with a simple Common Lisp attempt. The Lost in scope article begins with defining a very simple function returning a boolean value, only true when it’s not monday.

A while ago I stumbled upon Happy Numbers as explained in programming praxis, and offered an implementation of them in SQL and in Emacs Lisp. Yeah, I know. Why not, though? Today I’m back on that topic and as I’m toying with Common Lisp I though it would be a good excuse to learn me some new tricks. As you can see from the earlier blog entry, last time I did attack the digits problem quite lightly.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
