Common Lisp users are very happy to use Quicklisp when it comes to downloading and maintaining dependencies between their own code and the librairies it is using.

Common Lisp users are very happy to use Quicklisp when it comes to downloading and maintaining dependencies between their own code and the librairies it is using.
A long time ago we talked about how to Import fixed width data with pgloader, following up on other stories still online at Postgres OnLine Journal and on David Fetter’s blog.
Back then, I showed that using pgloader made it easier to import the data,
but also showed quite poor performances characteristics due to using the
mode in the timings. Let’s update that article with
current pgloader wonders!
As presented at the PostgreSQL Conference Europe the new version of pgloader is now able to fully migrate a MySQL database, including discovering the schema, casting data types, transforming data and default values. Sakila is the traditional MySQL example database, in this article we’re going to fully migrate it over to PostgreSQL.
In our previous article about Loading Geolocation Data, we did load some data into PostgreSQL and saw the quite noticable impact of a user transformation. As it happens, the function that did the integer to IP representation was so naive as to scratch the micro optimisation itch of some Common Lisp hackers: thanks a lot guys, in particular stassats who came up with the solution we’re seeing now.