Category “Software Programming” — 23 articles

Thanks to Mickael on twitter I got to read an article about loosing scope with some common programming languages. As the blog article Lost in scope references functional programming languages and plays with both Javascript and Erlang, I though I had to try it out with Common Lisp too. So, here we go with a simple Common Lisp attempt. The Lost in scope article begins with defining a very simple function returning a boolean value, only true when it’s not monday.

I’ve been asked about how to integrate the ack tool (you know, the one that is better than grep) into Emacs today. Again. And I just realized that I didn’t blog about my solution. That might explain why I keep getting asked about it after all… So here it is, M-x ack: ;;; dim-ack.el --- Dimitri Fontaine ;; ;; (defcustom ack-command (or (executable-find "ack") (executable-find "ack-grep")) "Command to use to call ack, e.

A while ago I stumbled upon Happy Numbers as explained in programming praxis, and offered an implementation of them in SQL and in Emacs Lisp. Yeah, I know. Why not, though? Today I’m back on that topic and as I’m toying with Common Lisp I though it would be a good excuse to learn me some new tricks. As you can see from the earlier blog entry, last time I did attack the digits problem quite lightly.

Thanks to Mickael on twitter I ran into that article about implementing a very basic Hello World! program as a way to get into a new concurrent language or facility. The original article, titled Concurrent Hello World in Go, Erlang and C++ is all about getting to know The Go Programming Language better. To quote the article: The first thing I always do when playing around with a new software platform is to write a concurrent “Hello World” program.

I stumbled onto an interesting article about performance when using python, called Python performance the easy(ish) way, where the author tries to get the bet available performances out of the dumbiest possible python code, trying to solve a very simple and stupid problem. With so many smart qualifiers you can only guess that I did love the challenge. The idea is to write the simplest code possible and see how smarter you need to be when you need perfs.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
