This blog of mine is written in the very good Emacs Muse format, that I find much more friendly to writing articles than both org-mode and markdown-mode that I both use in a regular basis too. The main think that I like in Muse that those two others lack is the support for displaying images inline.
*Here's what it looks like to edit with Emacs Muse* The Muse publishing system The idea is that you edit .

I’ve been asked about how to integrate the ack tool (you know, the one that is better than grep) into Emacs today. Again. And I just realized that I didn’t blog about my solution. That might explain why I keep getting asked about it after all…
So here it is, M-x ack:
;;; dim-ack.el --- Dimitri Fontaine ;; ;; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2322389/ack-does-not-work-when-run-from-grep-find-in-emacs-on-windows (defcustom ack-command (or (executable-find "ack") (executable-find "ack-grep")) "Command to use to call ack, e.

A breadcrumb is a navigation aid. I just added one to this website, so that it gets easier to browse from any article to its local and parents indexes and back to /dev/dim, the root webpage of this site.
As it was not that much work to implement, here’s the whole of it:
;;; ;;; Breadcrumb support ;;; (defun tapoueh-breadcrumb-to-current-page () "Return a list of (name . link) from the index root page to current one" (let* ((current (muse-current-file)) (cwd (file-name-directory current)) (project (muse-project-of-file current)) (root (muse-style-element :path (caddr project))) (path (tapoueh-path-to-root)) (dirs (split-string (file-relative-name current root) "/"))) ;; ("blog" "2011" "07" "13-back-from-char11.

Most of you are probably reading my posts directly in their RSS reader tools (mine is gnus thanks to the Gwene service), so you probably missed it, but I just pushed a whole new version of my website, still using Emacs Muse as the engine.
My setup is tentatively called tapoueh.el and browsable online. It consists of some tweaks on top of Muse, so that I can enjoy tags and proper rss support.

If you’ve not been following along, you might have missed it: it appears to me that even today, in 2011, mail systems work much better when setup the old way. Meaning with a local MTA for outgoing mail. With some niceties, such as sender dependent relayhost maps.
That’s why I needed M-x mailq to display the mail queue and have some easy shortcuts in order to operate it (mainly f runs the command mailq-mode-flush, but per site and per id delivery are useful too).