Continuing our series of PostgreSQL Data Types today we’re going to introduce date, timestamp, and interval data types.
PostgreSQL implementation of the calendar is very good, and we’re going to show some mice example about how confusing this matter is. The time zone notion in particular is mainly a political tool these days, and it makes no sense on an engineering principle: there’s no way to solve time zone problems from first hand principles!
Date/Time and Time Zones
Handling dates and time and time zones is a very complex matter, and on this topic, you can read Erik Naggum’s piece The Long, Painful History of Time.
The PostgreSQL documentation chapters with the titles Date/Time Types, Data Type Formatting Functions, and Date/Time Functions and Operators cover all you need to know about date, time, timestamps, and time zones with PostgreSQL.
The first question we need to answer here is about using timestamps with or without time zones from our applications. The answer is simple: always use timestamps WITH time zones.
A common myth is that storing time zones will certainly add to your storage and memory footprint. It’s actually not the case:
select pg_column_size(timestamp without time zone 'now'),
pg_column_size(timestamp with time zone 'now');
pg_column_size │ pg_column_size
8 │ 8
(1 row)
PostgreSQL defaults to using bigint internally to store timestamps, and
the on-disk and in-memory format are the same with or without time zone
support. Here’s their whole type definition in the PostgreSQL source code
(in src/include/datatype/timestamp.h
typedef int64 Timestamp;
typedef int64 TimestampTz;
From the PostgreSQL documentation for timestamps, here’s how it works:
For timestamp with time zone, the internally stored value is always in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time, traditionally known as Greenwich Mean Time, GMT). An input value that has an explicit time zone specified is converted to UTC using the appropriate offset for that time zone. If no time zone is stated in the input string, then it is assumed to be in the time zone indicated by the system’s TimeZone parameter, and is converted to UTC using the offset for the timezone zone.
PostgreSQL doesn’t store the time zone they come from with your timestamp. Instead it converts to and from the input and output timezone much like we’ve seen for text with client_encoding.
drop table if exists tstz;
create table tstz(ts timestamp, tstz timestamptz);
set timezone to 'Europe/Paris';
select now();
insert into tstz values(now(), now());
set timezone to 'Pacific/Tahiti';
select now();
insert into tstz values(now(), now());
set timezone to 'Europe/Paris';
table tstz;
set timezone to 'Pacific/Tahiti';
table tstz;
In this script, we play with the client’s setting timezone and change from
a French value to another French value, as Tahiti is an island in the
Pacific that is part of France. Here’s the full output as seen when running
this script, when launched with psql -a -f tz.sql
set timezone to 'Europe/Paris';
select now();
2017-08-19 14:22:11.802755+02
(1 row)
insert into tstz values(now(), now());
set timezone to 'Pacific/Tahiti';
select now();
2017-08-19 02:22:11.802755-10
(1 row)
insert into tstz values(now(), now());
set timezone to 'Europe/Paris';
table tstz;
ts │ tstz
2017-08-19 14:22:11.802755 │ 2017-08-19 14:22:11.802755+02
2017-08-19 02:22:11.802755 │ 2017-08-19 14:22:11.802755+02
(2 rows)
set timezone to 'Pacific/Tahiti';
table tstz;
ts │ tstz
2017-08-19 14:22:11.802755 │ 2017-08-19 02:22:11.802755-10
2017-08-19 02:22:11.802755 │ 2017-08-19 02:22:11.802755-10
(2 rows)
First, we see that the now() function always returns the same timestamp within a single transaction. If you want to see the clock running while in a transaction, use the clock_timestamp() function instead.
Then, we see that when we change the timezone client setting, PostgreSQL outputs timestamps as expected, in the selected timezone. If you manage an application with users in different time zones and you want to display time in their own local preferred time zone, then you can set timezone in your application code before doing any timestamp related processing, and have PostgreSQL do all the hard work for you.
Finally, when selecting back from the tstz table, we see that the column tstz realizes that both the inserted values actually are the same point in time, but seen from different places in the world, whereas the ts column makes it impossible to compare the entries and realize they actually happened at exactly the same time.
As said before, even when using timestamps with time zone, PostgreSQL will not store the time zone in use at input time, so there’s no way from our tstz table to know that the entries are at the same time but just from different places.
The opening of this section links to The Long, Painful History of Time, and if you didn’t read it yet, maybe now is a good time. Allow me to quote a relevant part of the article here:
The basic problem with time is that we need to express both time and place whenever we want to place some event in time and space, yet we tend to assume spatial coordinates even more than we assume temporal coordinates, and in the case of time in ordinary communication, it is simply left out entirely. Despite the existence of time zones and strange daylight saving time regimes around the world, most people are blithely unaware of their own time zone and certainly of how it relates to standard references. Most people are equally unaware that by choosing a notation that is close to the spoken or written expression of dates, they make it meaningless to people who may not share the culture, but can still read the language. It is unlikely that people will change enough to put these issues to rest, so responsible computer people need to address the issues and resist the otherwise overpowering urge to abbreviate and drop context.
Several options are available to input timestamp values in PostgreSQL. The easiest is to use the ISO format, so if your application’s code allows that you’re all set. In the following example we leave the time zone out, as usually, it’s handled by the timezone session parameter, as seen above. If you need to, of course, you can input the time zone in the timestamp values directly:
select timestamptz '2017-01-08 04:05:06',
timestamptz '2017-01-08 04:05:06+02';
At insert or update time, use the same literal strings without the type decoration: PostgreSQL already knows the type of the target column, and it uses that to parse the values literal in the DML statement.
Some application use-cases only need the date. Then use the date data type in PostgreSQL. It is of course then possible to compare a date and a timestamp with time zone in your SQL queries, and even to append a time offset on top of your date to construct a timestamp.
Time Intervals
PostgreSQL implements an interval data type along with the time, date and timestamptz data types. An interval describes a duration, like a month or two weeks, or even a millisecond:
set intervalstyle to postgres;
select interval '1 month',
interval '2 weeks',
2 * interval '1 week',
78389 * interval '1 ms';
The default PostgreSQL output looks like this:
interval │ interval │ ?column? │ ?column?
1 mon │ 14 days │ 14 days │ 00:01:18.389
(1 row)
Several intervalstyle values are possible, and the setting postgres_verbose is quite nice for interactive psql sessions:
set intervalstyle to postgres_verbose;
select interval '1 month',
interval '2 weeks',
2 * interval '1 week',
78389 * interval '1 ms';
This time we get a user-friendly output:
interval │ interval │ ?column? │ ?column?
@ 1 mon │ @ 14 days │ @ 14 days │ @ 1 min 18.389 secs
(1 row)
How long is a month? Well, it depends on which month, and PostgreSQL knows that:
select d::date as month,
(d + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day')::date as month_end,
(d + interval '1 month')::date as next_month,
(d + interval '1 month')::date - d::date as days
from generate_series(
date '2017-01-01',
date '2017-12-01',
interval '1 month'
as t(d);
When you attach an interval to a date or timestamp in PostgreSQL then the number of days in that interval adjusts to the specific calendar entry you’ve picked. Otherwise, an interval of a month is considered to be 30 days. Here we see that computing the last day of February is very easy:
month │ month_end │ next_month │ days
2017-01-01 │ 2017-01-31 │ 2017-02-01 │ 31
2017-02-01 │ 2017-02-28 │ 2017-03-01 │ 28
2017-03-01 │ 2017-03-31 │ 2017-04-01 │ 31
2017-04-01 │ 2017-04-30 │ 2017-05-01 │ 30
2017-05-01 │ 2017-05-31 │ 2017-06-01 │ 31
2017-06-01 │ 2017-06-30 │ 2017-07-01 │ 30
2017-07-01 │ 2017-07-31 │ 2017-08-01 │ 31
2017-08-01 │ 2017-08-31 │ 2017-09-01 │ 31
2017-09-01 │ 2017-09-30 │ 2017-10-01 │ 30
2017-10-01 │ 2017-10-31 │ 2017-11-01 │ 31
2017-11-01 │ 2017-11-30 │ 2017-12-01 │ 30
2017-12-01 │ 2017-12-31 │ 2018-01-01 │ 31
(12 rows)
PostgreSQL’s implementation of the calendar is very good, so use it!

This article is an extract from my book Mastering PostgreSQL in Application Development, which teaches SQL to developers so that they may replace thousands of lines of code with very simple queries. The book has a full chapter about data types in PostgreSQL, check it out!