Continuing our series of PostgreSQL Data Types today we’re going to introduce date and time based processing functions.

Once the application’s data, or rather the user data is properly stored as timestamp with time zone, PostgreSQL allows implementing all the processing you need to. In this article we dive into a set of examples to help you get started with time based processing in your database. Can we boost your reporting skills?

Loading a Data Set: Git History

As an example data set this time we’re playing with git history. The PostgreSQL and pgloader project history have been loaded into the commitlog table thanks to the git log command, with a custom format, and some post-processing — properly splitting up the commit’s subjects and escaping its content. Here’s for example the most recent commit registered in our local commitlog table:

  select project, hash, author, ats, committer, cts, subject
    from commitlog
   where project = 'postgres'
order by ats desc
   limit 1;

The column names ats and cts respectively stand for author commit timestamp and committer commit timestamp, and the subject is the first line of the commit message, as per the git log format %s.

To get the most recent entry from a table we order by dates in descending order then limit the result set to a single entry, and we get a single line of output:

─[ RECORD 1 ]───────────────────────────────────────
project   │ postgres
hash      │ 65a69dfa08e212556d11e44a5a8a1861fd826ccd
author    │ Tom Lane
ats       │ 2018-04-13 00:39:51+02
committer │ Tom Lane
cts       │ 2018-04-13 00:39:51+02
subject   │ Fix bogus affix-merging code.

Time based statistics

With timestamps, we can compute time-based reporting, such as how many commits each project received each year in their whole history:

  select extract(year from ats) as year,
         count(*) filter(where project = 'postgres') as postgres,
         count(*) filter(where project = 'pgloader') as pgloader
    from commitlog
group by year
order by year;

As we have only loaded two projects in our commitlog table, the output is better with a pivot query. We can see more than 20 years of sustained activity for the PostgreSQL project, and a less active project for pgloader:

 year │ postgres │ pgloader 
 1996 │      876 │        0
 1997 │     1698 │        0
 1998 │     1744 │        0
 1999 │     1788 │        0
 2000 │     2535 │        0
 2001 │     3061 │        0
 2002 │     2654 │        0
 2003 │     2416 │        0
 2004 │     2548 │        0
 2005 │     2418 │        0
 2006 │     2153 │        0
 2007 │     2188 │        0
 2008 │     1651 │        0
 2009 │     1389 │        0
 2010 │     1800 │        0
 2011 │     2030 │        0
 2012 │     1605 │        0
 2013 │     1368 │      385
 2014 │     1745 │      367
 2015 │     1815 │      202
 2016 │     2087 │      136
 2017 │     2469 │      193
 2018 │      765 │       40
(23 rows)

We can also build a reporting on the repartition of commits by weekday from the beginning of the project, in order to guess if contributors are working on the project on the job only, or mostly during their free time (weekend).

  select extract(isodow from ats) as dow,
         to_char(ats, 'Day') as day,
         count(*) as commits,
         round(100.0*count(*)/sum(count(*)) over(), 2) as pct,
         repeat('■', (100*count(*)/sum(count(*)) over())::int) as hist
    from commitlog
   where project = 'postgres'
group by dow, day
order by dow;

It seems that our PostgreSQL committers tend to work whenever they feel like it, but less so on the weekend. The project’s lucky enough to have a solid team of committers being paid to work on PostgreSQL:

 dow │    day    │ commits │  pct  │       hist       
   1 │ Monday    │    6746 │ 15.06 │ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
   2 │ Tuesday   │    7376 │ 16.46 │ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
   3 │ Wednesday │    6759 │ 15.09 │ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
   4 │ Thursday  │    7357 │ 16.42 │ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
   5 │ Friday    │    7276 │ 16.24 │ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
   6 │ Saturday  │    4855 │ 10.84 │ ■■■■■■■■■■■
   7 │ Sunday    │    4434 │  9.90 │ ■■■■■■■■■■
(7 rows)

Time Differences and Percentiles

Another report we can build compares the author commit timestamp with the committer commit timestamp. Those are different, but by how much?

with perc_arrays as
       select project,
              avg(cts-ats) as average,
              percentile_cont(array[0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99])
                 within group(order by cts-ats) as parr
         from commitlog
        where ats <> cts
    group by project
 select project, average,
        parr[1] as median,
        parr[2] as "%90th",
        parr[3] as "%95th",
        parr[4] as "%99th"
   from perc_arrays;

Here’s a detailed output of the time difference statistics, per project:

─[ RECORD 1 ]─────────────────────────────────────
project │ pgloader
average │ @ 4 days 12 hours 43 mins 10.220859 secs
median  │ @ 4 mins 50 secs
%90th   │ @ 21 hours 49 mins 23.8 secs
%95th   │ @ 24 days 38 hours 54.5 secs
%99th   │ @ 163 days 35 hours 37 mins 40.84 secs
═[ RECORD 2 ]═════════════════════════════════════
project │ postgres
average │ @ 1 day 18 hours 48 mins 36.053773 secs
median  │ @ 2 mins 11 secs
%90th   │ @ 3 hours 27 mins 43 secs
%95th   │ @ 3 days 6 hours 1 min 31.2 secs
%99th   │ @ 49 days 22 hours 40 mins 59.84 secs

Time Based Reporting

Reporting is a strong use case for SQL. Application will also send more classic queries. We can show the commits for the PostgreSQL project for the 12th of April 2018:

\set day '2018-04-12'

  select ats::time,
         substring(hash from 1 for 8) as hash,
         substring(subject from 1 for 40) || '…' as subject
    from commitlog
   where project = 'postgres'
     and ats >= date :'day'
     and ats  < date :'day' + interval '1 day'
order by ats;

It’s tempting to use the between SQL operator, but we would then have to remember that between includes both its lower and upper bound and we would then have to compute the upper bound as the very last instant of the day. Using explicit greater than or equal and less than operators makes it possible to always compute the very first time of the day, which is easier, and well supported by PostgreSQL.

Also, using explicit bound checks allows us to use a single date literal in the query, so that’s a single parameter to send from the application.

   ats    │   hash   │                  subject                  
 00:11:29 │ d1e90792 │ Ignore nextOid when replaying an ONLINE …
 02:27:12 │ 9e9befac │ Set relispartition correctly for index p…
 12:02:45 │ c9c875a2 │ Rename IndexInfo.ii_KeyAttrNumbers array…
 12:22:56 │ 08ea7a22 │ Revert MERGE patch…
 15:37:22 │ c266ed31 │ Cleanup covering infrastructure…
 16:25:13 │ 52405459 │ Fix interference between covering indexe…
 16:38:48 │ 3e110a37 │ Fix YA parallel-make hazard, this one in…
 20:08:10 │ a4d56f58 │ Use the right memory context for partkey…
 21:12:06 │ 2fe97771 │ YA attempt to stabilize the results of t…
 21:51:55 │ 181ccbb5 │ Add comment about default partition in c…
 21:53:27 │ b8ca984b │ Revert lowering of lock level for ATTACH…
(11 rows)

Date and Time Formatting

Many data type formatting functions are available in PostgreSQL. In the previous query, although we chose to cast our timestamp with time zone entry down to a time value, we could have chosen another representation thanks to the to_char function:

set lc_time to 'fr_FR';

  select to_char(ats, 'TMDay TMDD TMMonth, HHam') as time,
         substring(hash from 1 for 8) as hash,
         substring(subject from 1 for 40) || '…' as subject
    from commitlog
   where project = 'postgres'
     and ats >= date :'day'
     and ats  < date :'day' + interval '1 day'
order by ats;

And this time we have a French localized output for the time value:

         time         │   hash   │                  subject                  
 Jeudi 12 Avril, 12am │ d1e90792 │ Ignore nextOid when replaying an ONLINE …
 Jeudi 12 Avril, 02am │ 9e9befac │ Set relispartition correctly for index p…
 Jeudi 12 Avril, 12pm │ c9c875a2 │ Rename IndexInfo.ii_KeyAttrNumbers array…
 Jeudi 12 Avril, 12pm │ 08ea7a22 │ Revert MERGE patch…
 Jeudi 12 Avril, 03pm │ c266ed31 │ Cleanup covering infrastructure…
 Jeudi 12 Avril, 04pm │ 52405459 │ Fix interference between covering indexe…
 Jeudi 12 Avril, 04pm │ 3e110a37 │ Fix YA parallel-make hazard, this one in…
 Jeudi 12 Avril, 08pm │ a4d56f58 │ Use the right memory context for partkey…
 Jeudi 12 Avril, 09pm │ 2fe97771 │ YA attempt to stabilize the results of t…
 Jeudi 12 Avril, 09pm │ 181ccbb5 │ Add comment about default partition in c…
 Jeudi 12 Avril, 09pm │ b8ca984b │ Revert lowering of lock level for ATTACH…
(11 rows)


Take some time to familiarize yourself with the time and date support that PostgreSQL comes with out of the box. Some very useful functions such as date_trunc() are not shown here, and you also will find more gems.

While most programming languages nowadays include the same kind of feature set, having this processing feature set right in PostgreSQL makes sense in several use cases:

  • It makes sense when the SQL logic or filtering you want to implement depends on the result of the processing (e.g. grouping by week).

  • When you have several applications using the same logic, it’s often easier to share a SQL query than to set up a distributed service API offering the same result in XML or JSON (a data format you then have to parse).

  • When you want to reduce your run-time dependencies, it’s a good idea to understand how much each architecture layer is able to support in your implementation.

This article is an extract from my book The Art of PostgreSQL, which teaches SQL to developers so that they may replace thousands of lines of code with very simple queries. The book has a full chapter about data types in PostgreSQL, check it out!