Loading Geolocation Data
As I’ve been mentionning in the past already, I’m currently rewriting pgloader from scratch in Common Lisp. In terms of technical debt that’s akin to declaring bankrupcy, which is both sad news and good news as there’s suddenly new hope of doing it right this time.
Table of Contents
Why rewriting pgloader?
Several problems hinted me into doing something other than maintaining the code I had for pgloader.
First, the configuration file format was already used well beyond its capacities: it’s quite hard to express advanced fine grained options when using the infamous INI file format. Continuing with python I did consider using the pyparsing library and even went as far as writing a prototype command language with it. While the lib was working great for that, at the time at least it wasn’t available for Python 3 and not to be found in some OS vendors. pgloader is available today for Debian and derivatives, RedHat and derivatives, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and some more. And you can easily enough use it on Windows too, because it only depends on Psycopg, basically, so that I wanted to keep things simple for the end user. Basically, integrating that lib was a problem.
Then again, the performances were a bigger and bigger worry for me as the size of files one want to load into its database grew bigger. The real problem was not perceived as the current performance characteristics but rather how to improve them, and I didn’t see many ways forward. The most obvious one was to rewrite critical parts in C, but if I need to switch away from python I’d rather find a better compromse than writing python modules in C.
That’s in short what lead me to consider alternatives. And as I had some really good preliminary performances results with a programming language I can actually like, I decided to go with Common Lisp.
A Test case
The blog post I actually wanted to write would have been about the awesome ip4r extension, which is about indexing IP range searches as mostly used nowadays in geoip location. The first step here is to find some data to use and load them, and wanting to do that I realised we were lacking an all-integrated tool easy enough to use.

And that’s exactly the reason why I’m working on pgloader in the first place, to make it really easy to load data, converting it on the fly and all the jazz. And that ip4r test case actually has been a very good excuse at improving what I already had.
The new pgloader command language
Here’s the current way of doing things with the new pgloader written in Common-Lisp, then I’ll tell you why using a parser generator library in that language is less of a burden than doing the same thing in Python:
LOAD FROM ARCHIVE http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity_CSV/GeoLiteCity-latest.zip
INTO postgresql://dim@localhost:54393/dim
$$ create extension if not exists ip4r; $$,
$$ create schema if not exists geolite; $$,
$$ create table if not exists geolite.location
locid integer primary key,
country text,
region text,
city text,
postalcode text,
location point,
metrocode text,
areacode text
$$ create table if not exists geolite.blocks
iprange ip4r,
locid integer
$$ drop index if exists geolite.blocks_ip4r_idx; $$,
$$ truncate table geolite.blocks, geolite.location cascade; $$
WITH ENCODING iso-8859-1
region null if blanks,
city null if blanks,
postalCode null if blanks,
metroCode null if blanks,
areaCode null if blanks
INTO postgresql://dim@localhost:54393/ip4r?geolite.location
location point using (format nil "(~a,~a)" longitude latitude),
WITH skip header = 2,
fields optionally enclosed by '"',
fields escaped by double-quote,
fields terminated by ','
WITH ENCODING iso-8859-1
startIpNum, endIpNum, locId
INTO postgresql://dim@localhost:54393/ip4r?geolite.blocks
iprange ip4r using (ip-range startIpNum endIpNum),
WITH skip header = 2,
fields optionally enclosed by '"',
fields escaped by double-quote,
fields terminated by ','
create index blocks_ip4r_idx on geolite.blocks using gist(iprange);
What you see here looks quite complex and heavy. That’s because it’s addressing the full needs, let’s see about that:
the source of the data loading is a zip archive that we have to download from a http url,
the zip archive contains a single directory entry wherein we find the data files we want to load, currently
… as we want to be able to update the data without having to edit the command, you will note the support for matching the file name against a full path name:FILENAME MATCHING ~/GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv/
is applying a regular expression, -
we want the loading process to take care about creating the database schema we’re going to use, and even drop the current index if any before loading, because we know that loading the data in bulk and then creating the index is way faster than keeping the index around,
there’s no out of band place where to register whether a field value is null in a plain text CSV file, even if technically that could be done, so we have to provide per field instructions on what a
will look like in the data itself, -
the files we’re using don’t have the exact definition we want: rather than a pair of double precision fields for hosting the location we want a PostgreSQL point datatype column; and rather than a pair of bigint fields we want an ip4r column in PostgreSQL,
and of course as soon as the data loading is done we want to create the shiny ip4r GiST index.
And as we are using an attribution licence for the data here, let me tell you that: This article includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.
Transforming and Projecting

The former pgloader was capable of using dynamic python code to reformat fields on the fly, which was already quite good, but not up to the task described just above. What we really want to be able to do here is project any number of fields into a possibly different number of columns that are dependant on the fields.
In the simplest case possible, each field ends up into a column of the same name, and that’s still supported of course, it looks like this:
WITH ENCODING iso-8859-1
INTO postgresql://dim@localhost:54393/ip4r?geonumip.blocks
WITH skip header = 2,
fields optionally enclosed by '\"',
fields escaped by double-quote,
fields terminated by ',';
That’s a very simple processing actually, with no added processing when reading the file.
In the previous example though, we’re using a transformation function that I included in pgloader to transform a couple of integers into an iprange. Here’s the Common Lisp sources for that function:
(defun ip-range (start-integer-string end-integer-string)
"Transform a couple of integers to an IP4R ip range notation."
(declare (inline)
(optimize speed)
(type string start-integer-string end-integer-string))
(flet ((integer-to-ip-string (int)
"see http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/csv/"
(declare (inline) (optimize speed) (type fixnum int))
(format nil "~a.~a.~a.~a"
(mod (truncate int #. (expt 2 24)) 256)
(mod (truncate int #. (expt 2 16)) 256)
(mod (truncate int #. (expt 2 8)) 256)
(mod int 256))))
(let ((ip-start (integer-to-ip-string (parse-integer start-integer-string)))
(ip-end (integer-to-ip-string (parse-integer end-integer-string))))
(format nil "~a-~a" ip-start ip-end))))
And here’s how it’s used:
INTO postgresql://dim@localhost:54393/ip4r?geolite.blocks
iprange ip4r using (ip-range startIpNum endIpNum),
Internally, pgloader generates a lambda expression to process each row, in that very case the expression looks like this:
(lambda (row)
(destructuring-bind (startIpNum endIpNum locId) row
(list (pgloader.transforms::ip-range startIpNum endIpNum)

That generated lambda expression is then compiled on the fly into machine code that is then executed for each row input. That’s the kind of things allowing Common Lisp programmers not to resort to C.
Note that as in the previous location example you can also directly write the Lisp expressions within the command itself:
INTO postgresql://dim@localhost:54393/ip4r?geolite.location
location point using (format nil "(~a,~a)" longitude latitude),
Simple benchmarking
Enough presenting the software already, let’s run it!
Python version
First, let’s run the current python pgloader code against our dataset. Note that you will have to download and unzip the data yourself here, then prepare that kind of configuration file:
base = pgloader
log_file = /tmp/pgloader.log
log_min_messages = INFO
client_min_messages = WARNING
client_encoding = 'latin1'
lc_messages = C
pg_option_standard_conforming_strings = on
; This setting has no effect other than allowing to check option precedence
pg_option_work_mem = 12MB
copy_every = 25000
commit_every = 25000
#copy_delimiter = %
null = ""
empty_string = "\ "
template = True
format = csv
field_sep = ,
skip_head_lines = 2
use_template = tmpl
table = location
filename = /tmp/GeoLiteCity-latest/GeoLiteCity_20130903/GeoLiteCity-Location.csv
columns = *
use_template = tmpl
table = blocks
filename = /tmp/GeoLiteCity-latest/GeoLiteCity_20130903/GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv
columns = *
skip_head_lines = 2
And with that we can do:
./pgloader.py -R reformat -sTv -c ~/dev/temp/pgloader.geolite.conf
... edited ...
Table name | duration | size | copy rows | errors
blocks | 01m18.979s | - | 1790461 | 0
location | 35.710s | - | 438386 | 0
Total | 01m54.713s | - | 2228847 | 0
Common Lisp version, no projection
With a command doing the same amount of work as the previous one for the blocks table (I still kept the longitude and latitude to point formating):
table name read imported errors time
------------------------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
extract 0 0 0 1.007
before load 0 0 0 0.024
------------------------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
geonumip.location 438386 438386 0 8.868
geonumip.blocks 1790461 1790461 0 17.425
------------------------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
Total import time 2228847 2228847 0 27.324s
We can see new sections, as the command is now actually extracting the
archive (at the size and given how many tests I wanted to do, the fetching
step as been avoided in the tests here), then preparing the load with all
steps, and then actually parsing the files
and loading the data.

So for doing the same work, we went from nearly
2 minutes with the previous
solution down to less than
30 seconds, including the zip archive extraction
and the create table steps. Another way to look at it is that
pgloader here
9.73213 µs
to process each row. Yeah, less than 10
microseconds per
Declaring bankrupcy on the previous code base was maybe not the worst decision I made this year, finally…
I want to note here that the python importing code is actually using the csv module for reading the files, and that module is already written in C in fact. So we’re actually comparing python and C on the one hand to Common Lisp alone on the other hand.
Common Lisp version with fields to columns projection
Now, as we have some time budget left, let’s have the loader actually do more work for us and convert on the fly to the data representation we are interested into:
table name read imported errors time
------------------------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
extract 0 0 0 1.008
before load 0 0 0 0.134
------------------------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
geolite.location 438386 438386 0 9.521
geolite.blocks 1790461 1790461 0 31.546
------------------------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
finally 0 0 0 31.134
------------------------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
Total import time 2228847 2228847 0 1m13.343s
So this time with the extra work we’re going from about 18 seconds up to
about 32 seconds. The projection of integers to ip ranges is costly, but we
are still so much ahead from the old solution than we have enough time to
run the command
create index blocks_ip4r_idx on geolite.blocks using gist(iprange);
and still finish about 40 seconds earlier.
This time 31,456,000 microseconds where spent loading 1,790,461 rows, and
that gives us
17.568659 µs
per row in average, including the
two bigint as
text to iprange as text transformation calls. Not too bad.
Using Common Lisp
Earlier in the article I said I would tell you why it’s ok to use a parser generator library such as esrap here, whereas in the python case it was a burden. The first part is that we don’t have the major platform problem that python has with version 2 against version 3: the Common Lisp Specs are a really stable base to develop libs, and so even decade old untouched code has a really good chance to work as-is.
It’s also possible and should be easy enough with cl-buildapp to produce a static all-included binary image of the application so that users don’t have to care about which programming language and libraires are used when developping pgloader.
And of course the proficiency and interactivity of using Common Lisp is so much better than when using python than you almost wonder why, given the performances characteristics we’re seeing here and in almost any other test, o why are so much people still using python?
Have a look at pgloader.io, the main website for pgloader, and read about my white paper Migrating to PostgreSQL, Tools and Methodology which introduces the concept of Continuous Migration using pgloader!