22 Articles tagged “skytools”

I can’t really compare PgCon 2009 with previous years versions, last time I enjoyed the event it was in 2006, in Toronto. But still I found the experience to be a great one, and I hope I’ll be there next year too! I’ve met a lot of known people in the community, some of them I already had the chance to run into at Toronto or Prato, but this was the first time I got to talk to many of them about interresting projects and ideas.

It’s time for Skytools news again! First, we did improve documentation of current stable branch with hosting high level presentations and tutorials on the PostgreSQL wiki. Do check out the Londiste Tutorial, it seems that’s what people hesitating to try out londiste were missing the most. The other things people miss out a lot in current stable Skytools (version 2.1.9 currently) are cascading replication (which allows for switchover and failover) and DDL support.

One of the difficulties in getting to understand and configure londiste reside in the relation between the ticker and the replication. This question was raised once more on IRC yesterday, so I made a new FAQ entry about it: How do this ticker thing relates to londiste?

In the page about Skytools I’ve encouraged people to ask some more questions in order for me to be able to try and answer them. That just happened, as usual on the #postgresql IRC, and the question is What does londiste lack that slony has?

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
