27 Articles tagged “release”

Some user on IRC was reading the releases notes in order to plan for a minor upgrade of his 8.3.3 installation, and was puzzled about potential needs for rebuilding GIST indexes. That’s from the 8.3.5 release notes, and from the 8.3.8 notes you see that you need to consider hash indexes on interval columns too. Now the question is, how to find out if any such beasts are in use in your database?

There’s a big trend nowadays about using column storage as opposed to what PostgreSQL is doing, which would be row storage. The difference is that if you have the same column value in a lot of rows, you could get to a point where you have this value only once in the underlying storage file. That means high compression. Then you tweak the executor to be able to load this value only once, not once per row, and you win another huge source of data traffic (often enough, from disk).

So there it is, this newer contribution of mine that I presented at PGDay is now in debian NEW queue. pg_staging will empower you with respect to what you do about those nightly backups ( pg_dump -Fc or something). The tool provides a lot of commands to either dump or restore a database. It comes with documentation covering about it all, except for the londiste support part, which will be there in time for 1.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
