6 Articles tagged “plpgsql”

Dynamic Triggers in PLpgSQL

You certainly know that implementing dynamic triggers in PLpgSQL is impossible. But I had a very bad night, being up from as soon as 3:30 am today, so that when a developer asked me about reusing the same trigger function code from more than one table and for a dynamic column name, I didn’t remember about it being impossible. Here’s what happens in such cases, after a long time on the problem (yes, overall, that’s a slow day).

After reading Simon’s blog post, I can’t help but try to give some details about what it is exactly that I’m working on. As he said, there are several aspects to extensions in PostgreSQL, it all begins here: Chapter 35. Extending SQL. It’s possible, and mostly simple enough, to add your own code or behavior to PostgreSQL, so that it will use your code and your semantics while solving user queries.

Those are my two all times favorite Open Source Software. Or Free Software in the GNU sense of the world, as both the BSD and the GPL are labeled free there. Even if I prefer the The Debian Free Software Guidelines as a global definition and the WTFPL license. But that’s a digression. I think that Emacs and PostgreSQL do share a lot in common. I’d begin with the documentation, which quality is amazing for both projects.

So, if you followed the previous blog entry, now you have a new database containing all the static tables encoded in UTF-8 rather than SQL_ASCII. Because if it was not yet the case, you now severely distrust this non-encoding.

Now is the time to have a look at properly encoding the live data, those stored in tables that continue to receive write traffic. The idea is to use the UPDATE facilities of PostgreSQL to tweak the data, and too fix the applications so as not to continue inserting badly encoded strings in there.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
