Category “Conferences” — 104 articles

Tonight I had the pleasure to present a talk at the Dublin PostgreSQL User Group using remote technologies. The talk is about how to make the most ouf of PostgreSQL when using SQL as a developer, and tries to convince you to dive into mastering SQL by showing how to solve an application example all in SQL, using window functions and common table expressions. *PostgreSQL for developer* And using remote technologies, the presentation have been recorded and made available on the internet:

Yes it did happen, for real, in London: the Emacs Conference. It was easter week-end. Yet the conference managed to have more than 60 people meet together and spend a full day talking about Emacs. If you weren’t there, a live stream was available and soon enough (wait for about two weeks) the video material will be published, as sacha is working on it. The conference has been packed with awesome really.

Hier se tenait la cinquième édition de la conférence organisée par dalibo, où des intervenants extérieurs sont régulièrement invités. Le thème hier était à la fois clair et très vaste : la performance. J’ai eu le plaisir de réaliser une présentation intitulée « The Need for Speed » dans laquelle on replace l’effort d’optimisation dans son contexte métier, afin de faire une étude des coûts et bénéfices et de savoir non seulement à quoi s’attendre mais aussi quand s’arrêter.

The Emacs Conference is happening, it’s real, and it will take place at the end of this month in London. Check it out, and register at Emacs Conference Event Brite. It’s free and there’s still some availability. *It's all about Emacs, and it rocks!* We have a great line-up for this conference, which makes me proud to be able to be there. If you’ve ever been paying attention when using Emacs then you’ve already heard those names: Sacha Chua is frequently blogging about how she manages to improve her workflow thanks to Emacs Lisp, John Wiegley is a proficient Emacs contributor maybe best known for his ledger Emacs Mode, then we have Luke Gorrie who hacked up SLIME among other things, we also have Nic Ferrier who is starting a revolution in how to use Emacs Lisp with elnode.

This year’s FOSDEM has been a great edition, in particular the FOSDEM PGDAY 2013 was a great way to begin a 3 days marathon of talking about PostgreSQL with people not only from our community but also from plenty other Open Source communities too: users! *PostgreSQL at FOSDEM made for a great event* Having had the opportunity to meet more people from those other development communities, I really think we should go and reach for them in their own conferences.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
