In our recent article about The Most Popular Pub Names we did have a look at how to find the pubs nearby, but didn’t compute the distance in between that pub and us. That’s because how to compute a distance given a position on the earth expressed as longitude and latitude is not that easy. Today, we are going to solve that problem nonetheless, thanks to PostgreSQL Extensions.

The earthdistance PostgreSQL contrib

As the maths are complex enough to easily make mistakes when implementing them again, we want to find an existing implementation that’s been tested already. PostgreSQL provides several contrib extensions, one of those is named earthdistance and is made to solve our problem. Time to try it!

# create extension cube;
# create extension earthdistance;

Equiped with that extension we can now use its <@> operator and compute a distance in miles at the surface of the earth, given points as (longitude, latitude). So I had to import our data set again with points in the right representation, then I could run this query:

>  select id, name, pos,
          round((pos <@> point(-0.12,51.516))::numeric, 3) as miles
     from pubnames
 order by pos <-> point(-0.12,51.516)
    limit 10;
     id     |          name          |           pos           | miles 
   21593238 | All Bar One            | (-0.1192746,51.5163499) | 0.039
   26848690 | The Shakespeare's Head | (-0.1194731,51.5167871) | 0.059
  371049718 | The Newton Arms        | (-0.1209811,51.5163032) | 0.047
  438488621 | Marquis Cornwallis     | (-0.1199612,51.5146691) | 0.092
   21593236 | Ship Tavern            | (-0.1192378,51.5172525) | 0.093
  312156665 | The Prince of Wales    | (-0.121732,51.5145794)  | 0.123
  312156722 | O'Neills               | (-0.1220195,51.5149538) | 0.113
   25508632 | Friend at Hand         | (-0.1224717,51.5148694) | 0.132
  338507304 | The Square Pig         | (-0.1191744,51.5187089) | 0.191
 1975855516 | Holborn Whippet        | (-0.1216925,51.5185189) | 0.189
(10 rows)

Time: 1.335 ms

So the nearest pub is All Bar One, 0.039 miles away, or 68.64 yards apparently. And we can see that adding the computation to get the distance in miles didn’t add that much to the query timing.

Pubs and cities

Just as easily as we have nearest pubs we can also of course query for pubs farthest away from any location.

>   select name, round((pos <@> point(-0.12,51.516))::numeric, 3) as miles
      from pubnames
  order by pos <-> point(-0.12,51.516) desc
     limit 5;
      name       |  miles  
 Tig Bhric       | 440.194
 TP's            | 439.779
 Begley's        | 439.752
 Ventry Inn      | 438.962
 Fisherman's Bar | 439.153
(5 rows)

Time: 74.780 ms

Now we want to know what city are those pubs in right? With the following URL and using the Open Street Map APIs, I’ve been able to download a list of cities in the same area as where the pub names were fetched in:*[place=city][bbox=-10.5,49.78,1.78,59].

Tweaking the parser and import code at was easy, and allowed to import those city names and locations in 0.087 seconds of real time, with the following schema:

# create table if not exists cities (id bigint, pos point, name text);
# create index on cities using gist(pos);

Now let’s see where are those far away pubs:

>   select name,
          (select name from cities c order by c.pos <-> p.pos limit 1) as city,
          round((pos <@> point(-0.12,51.516))::numeric, 3) as miles
     from pubnames p
 order by pos <-> point(-0.12,51.516) desc
    limit 5;
      name       |  city  |  miles  
 Tig Bhric       | Galway | 440.194
 TP's            | Galway | 439.779
 Begley's        | Galway | 439.752
 Ventry Inn      | Galway | 438.962
 Fisherman's Bar | Cork   | 439.153
(5 rows)

Time: 686.444 ms

As you can see we are fetching the pubs at a distance from our given point and then the nearest city from where the pub is. The way it’s implemented here is called a correlated subquery, and starting with 9.3 we will be able to use the LATERAL standard join construct, as in the following example:

>   select as city,,
           round((pos <@> point(-0.12,51.516))::numeric, 3) as miles
      from pubnames p,
           lateral (select name
                      from cities c
                  order by c.pos <-> p.pos
                     limit 1) c
  order by pos <-> point(-0.12,51.516) desc
     limit 5;
  city  |      name       |  miles  
 Galway | Tig Bhric       | 440.194
 Galway | TP's            | 439.779
 Galway | Begley's        | 439.752
 Galway | Ventry Inn      | 438.962
 Cork   | Fisherman's Bar | 439.153
(5 rows)

Time: 636.445 ms

So apparently the bounded box that we’ve been given ( [bbox=-10.5,49.78,1.78,59]) includes Ireland too… and more importantly the query execution penalty is quite important. That’s because the planner only know how to solve that query by doing Index Scan using cities_pos_idx on public.cities c (cost=0.14..9.60 rows=73 width=25) (actual time=0.016..0.016 rows=1 loops=27878), which means scanning the position index of the cities 27878 times (once per pubnames entry).

It’s possible to force the planner into doing it the obvious way though:

>   with pubs as (
        select name, pos,
               round((pos <@> point(-0.12,51.516))::numeric, 3) as miles
          from pubnames
      order by pos <-> point(-0.12,51.516) desc
         limit 5
    select as city,, p.miles
      from pubs p, lateral (select name
                              from cities c
                          order by c.pos <-> p.pos
                             limit 1) c;
  city  |      name       |  miles  
 Galway | Tig Bhric       | 440.194
 Galway | TP's            | 439.779
 Galway | Begley's        | 439.752
 Galway | Ventry Inn      | 438.962
 Cork   | Fisherman's Bar | 439.153
(5 rows)

Time: 76.467 ms

Let’s now find which cities have the highest count of pubs, considering that a pub is affiliated to a city if it’s within 5 miles of the single point we have as city location in our data set.

>   select, count(cp)
      from cities c,
           lateral (select name
                      from pubnames p
                     where (p.pos <@> c.pos) < 5
                   as cp
  group by
  order by count(cp) desc
  limit 10;
    name     | count 
 London      |  1388
 Westminster |  1383
 Dublin      |   402
 Manchester  |   306
 Bristol     |   292
 Leeds       |   292
 Edinburgh   |   286
 Liverpool   |   258
 Nottingham  |   218
 Glasgow     |   217
(10 rows)

Time: 562.678 ms

If we look at a map we see that Westminster is in fact within London given our arbitrary rule of within 5 miles, so in the next query we will simply filter it out. Exercise left to the reader: write a query allowing to remove from London’s count the pubs that are actually in Westminster (when within 1 mile of the location we have for it). Then extend that query to address any other situation like that in the whole data set.

And now what about the most popular pub names per city? Of course we want to normalize again our pub names here but only for counting: we still display all the names we did count.

>   select,
           array_to_string(array_agg(distinct( order by, ', '),
      from cities c,
           lateral (select name
                      from pubnames p
                     where (p.pos <@> c.pos) < 5) as cp
     where <> 'Westminster'
  group by, replace(replace(, 'The ', ''), 'And', '&')
  order by count(*) desc
     limit 10;
   name   |            array_to_string             | count 
 London   | Prince of Wales, The Prince of Wales   |    15
 London   | All Bar One                            |    12
 London   | The Beehive                            |     8
 London   | O'Neills                               |     7
 London   | The Crown                              |     7
 London   | The Windmill                           |     7
 London   | Red Lion, The Red Lion                 |     6
 Bradford | New Inn, The New Inn                   |     6
 London   | Coach and Horses, The Coach and Horses |     6
 London   | The White Horse, White Horse           |     6
(10 rows)

Time: 729.866 ms


Often the most powerful tool you have to make sense of your data... Often the most powerful tool you have to make sense of your data...

As said in the previous article on the same theme, SQL when using PostgreSQL is indeed quite powerful! We’ve been able to easily add an implementation of the earth distance computation from longitude and latitude as found in the earthdistance contrib extension (already packaged for your Operating System of choice, be sure to install contribs by default), then to use it to solve some interesting problems with our data set.