What if you could turn
thousands of lines of code into
simple queries?

pgDay Paris 4th edition happens March 15, 2018! And the Call for Papers is still open, as it closes with the year: the submission deadline is December 31st, 2017.

As I’ve been organizing the first edition of pgDay Paris back in 2015, this very conference is special to me! It’s been an amazing experience launching a new PostgreSQL conferenceā€¦

Hats off to Magnus without whom the first edition would never have happened, and to Vik of course, who took over the organisation of the conference!

I wrote a book!

The PostgreSQL community made the explicit choice some times ago that they would not use the infamous master and slave terminology. Instead, the documentation introduces the concepts of High Availability, Load Balancing, and Replication with the terms Primary and Standby, and the even more generic term Replica is used in contexts when only the data flow is considered, rather than the particular role of a node.

In How to Write SQL we saw how to write SQL queries as separate .sql files, and we learnt about using query parameters with the psql syntax for that (:variable, :'variable', and :"identifier").

For writing our database model, the same tooling is all we need. An important aspect of using psql is its capacity to provide immediate feedback, and we can also have that with modeling too.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
