As Guillaume says, we’ve been enjoying a great evening conference in Lyon 2 days ago, presenting PostgreSQL to developers. He did the first hour presenting the project and the main things you want to know to start using PostgreSQL in production, then I took the opportunity to be talking to developers to show off some SQL.
That slide deck contains mainly SQL language, but some french too, rather than english. Sorry for the inconvenience if that’s not something you can read.
I’ve been given a nice puzzle that I think is a good blog article opportunity, as it involves some thinking and window functions.
Let’s say you need to ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN bar TYPE bigint;, and PostgreSQL is helpfully telling you that no you can’t because such and such views depend on the column. The basic way to deal with that is to copy paste from the error message the names of the views involved, then prepare a script wherein you first DROP VIEW then ALTER TABLE and finally CREATE VIEW again, all in the same transaction.
You certainly know that implementing dynamic triggers in PLpgSQL is impossible. But I had a very bad night, being up from as soon as 3:30 am today, so that when a developer asked me about reusing the same trigger function code from more than one table and for a dynamic column name, I didn’t remember about it being impossible.
Here’s what happens in such cases, after a long time on the problem (yes, overall, that’s a slow day).
The drawback of hosting a static only website is, obviously, the lack of comments. What happens actually, though, is that I receive very few comments by direct mail. As I don’t get another spam source to cleanup, I’m left unconvinced that’s such a drawback. I still miss the low probability of seeing blog readers exchange directly, but I think a mailing list would be my answer, here…
Anyway, David Fetter took the time to send me a comment by mail with a cleaned up rewrite of the previous entry SQL, here’s it for your pleasure!