What if you could turn
thousands of lines of code into
simple queries?

Kris Jenkins cooked up a very nice way to embed SQL in your code: YeSQL for Clojure. The main idea is that you should be writing your SQL queries in .sql files in your code repository and maintain them there.

The idea is very good and it is now possible to find alternative implementations of the Clojure yesql library in other languages. Today, we are going to have a look at one of them for the python programming language: anosql.

I wrote a book!

PostgreSQL Conference US took place in New York City and I had the pleasure to be a speaker there. I presented there a talk about why You’d Better Have Tested Backups. The important bit is that backups are not interesting, recoveries are. Also the only way to make sure a backup is successful is to be able to use it for recovery.

Le 21 avril prochain se tient le premier pgDay Paris: une conférence PostgreSQL d’une journée complète. Il s’agit de 8 conférences sur votre base de données préférée par des conférencers internationaux, incluant des retours d’expérience et une analyse de l’utilisation des derniers développements en cours dans notre projet de base de données préféré.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
