What if you could turn
thousands of lines of code into
simple queries?

I wrote a book!

In the page about Skytools I’ve encouraged people to ask some more questions in order for me to be able to try and answer them. That just happened, as usual on the #postgresql IRC, and the question is What does londiste lack that slony has?

As it happens, I’ve got some environments where I want to make sure HOT ( aka Heap Only Tuples) is in use. Because we’re doing so much updates a second that I want to get sure it’s not killing my database server. I not only wrote some checking view to see about it, but also made a quick article about it in the French PostgreSQL website. Handling around in #postgresql means that I’m now bound to write about it in English too!

Londiste Trick

So, you’re using londiste and the ticker has not been running all night long, due to some restart glitch in your procedures, and the on call admin didn’t notice the restart failure. If you blindly restart the replication daemon, it will load in memory all those events produced during the night, at once, because you now have only one tick where to put them all. The following query allows you to count how many events that represents, with the magic tick numbers coming from pgq.

If you want to live on the bleeding edge, it’s easy enough to get a non existing release of GNU Emacs under debian sid, thanks to http://emacs.orebokech.com/. The problem is that Emacs Muse is broken on emacs-snapshot, partly because of Htmlize which is unable to find the face fonts (I got (error "Invalid face")), partly because of my configuration itself: hunk ./dim-muse.el 22 - '(("pgsql.tapoueh.org" $ - (,@(muse-project-alist-dirs "~/dev/muse/site") $ + '(("pgsql.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
