Category “PostgreSQL” — 131 articles

In another article here, entitled on JSON and SQL, we saw in great details how to import a data set only available as a giant JSON file. Then we normalized the data set, so as to be able to write SQL and process our data. This approach is sometimes very useful and was a good way to learn some of the JSON functions provided by PostgreSQL.

In this article, we’re going to use SQL to export the data from our relational model into a JSON document. The trick that makes it complex in this example is that we have a recursive data model, with a notion of a parent row that exists in the same table as the current one. That’s a nice excuse to learn more about the SQL construct WITH RECURSIVE.

It seems to be usual nowadays to review the previous year, and readers apparently like Top-N Lists — that’s you now, so let’s hope that my understanding works with you too.

Of course 2018 will see its own amount of new and original content added to this blog, with a continuous focus towards how to make the best out of the SQL powerful programming language, and its advanced concurrency semantics.

You might have read it in the news already in Citus’ blog post by Sumedh Pathak: PostgreSQL Expert Dimitri Fontaine joins Citus Data. I am very happy to join a talented team here at Citus, and excited to work on an Open Source solution for distributed SQL on-top of PostgreSQL! In this article I’m going to cover my first technical contributions to Citus database, as it happens that a few patches of mine made it to the main source tree already.

TL;DR It’s good to be working on PostgreSQL related source code again, and to have the opportunity to solve PostgreSQL related problems at scale!

After having been involved in many migration projects over the last 10 years, I decided to publish the following White Paper in order to share my learnings.

The paper is titled Migrating to PostgreSQL, Tools and Methodology and details the Continuous Migration approach. It describes how to migrate from another relational database server technology to PostgreSQL. The reasons to do so are many, and first among them is often the licensing model.

pgDay Paris 4th edition happens March 15, 2018! And the Call for Papers is still open, as it closes with the year: the submission deadline is December 31st, 2017.

As I’ve been organizing the first edition of pgDay Paris back in 2015, this very conference is special to me! It’s been an amazing experience launching a new PostgreSQL conference…

Hats off to Magnus without whom the first edition would never have happened, and to Vik of course, who took over the organisation of the conference!

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
