So, following previous blog entries about importing fixed width data, from Postgres Online Journal and David (perl) Fetter, I couldn’t resist following the meme and showing how to achieve the same thing with pgloader.
Yes. This pgloader project is still maintained and somewhat active. Development happens when I receive a complaint, either about a bug in existing code or a feature in yet-to-write code. If you have a bug to report, just send me an email!
So there it is, at long last, the final 1.0.0 release of prefix! It’s on its way into the debian repository (targetting sid, in testing in 10 days) and available on pgfoundry to.
In order to make it clear that I intend to maintain this version, the number has 3 digits rather than 2… which is also what PostgreSQL users will expect.
The only last minute change is that you can now use the first version of the two following rather than the second one: