PostgreSQL Concurrency: Data Modification Language
PostgreSQL is a relational database management system. It’s even the world’s most advanced open source one of them. As such, as its core, Postgres solves concurrent access to a set of data and maintains consistency while allowing concurrent operations.
Postgres exposes its concurrency APIs in the SQL language, in particular in the DML parts of it: you can read the Data Manipulation Language chapter of the PostgreSQL docs for all the details.
In this article we’re going to create a set of data and use several of the basic DML forms available in PostgreSQL to do so. This data will then be used through a series of follow-up articles about concurrency in PostgreSQL. In this first article, we approach the basics: SQL commands and how to make them safe to concurrent behavior in your application.
A database model
The application we’re going to model is a Twitter like application, where we have users and they can send short messages to the void. They can also follow other users, and then will see what those other users sent to the void.
We’ll begin with something simple:
create schema if not exists tweet;
create table tweet.users
userid bigserial primary key,
uname text not null,
nickname text,
bio text,
picture text,
create table tweet.follower
follower bigint not null references tweet.users(userid),
following bigint not null references tweet.users(userid),
primary key(follower, following)
create table tweet.message
messageid bigserial primary key,
userid bigint not null references tweet.users(userid),
datetime timestamptz not null default now(),
message text not null,
favs bigint,
rts bigint,
location point,
lang text,
url text
Insert Into
Given our model of tweets, the first thing we need are users. Here’s how to create our first users:
insert into tweet.users (userid, uname, nickname, bio)
values (default, 'Theseus', 'Duke Theseus', 'Duke of Athens.');
The SQL standard values clause is usable anywhere select is expected, as we saw already in our truth tables in the introduction to PostgreSQL Data Types article. Also, values accepts several rows at a time.
insert into tweet.users (uname, bio)
values ('Egeus', 'father to #Hermia.'),
('Lysander', 'in love with #Hermia.'),
('Demetrius', 'in love with #Hermia.'),
('Philostrate', 'master of the revels to Theseus.'),
('Peter Quince', 'a carpenter.'),
('Snug', 'a joiner.'),
('Nick Bottom', 'a weaver.'),
('Francis Flute', 'a bellows-mender.'),
('Tom Snout', 'a tinker.'),
('Robin Starveling', 'a tailor.'),
('Hippolyta', 'queen of the Amazons, betrothed to Theseus.'),
('Hermia', 'daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander.'),
('Helena', 'in love with Demetrius.'),
('Oberon', 'king of the fairies.'),
('Titania', 'queen of the fairies.'),
('Puck', 'or Robin Goodfellow.'),
('Peaseblossom', 'Team #Fairies'),
('Cobweb', 'Team #Fairies'),
('Moth', 'Team #Fairies'),
('Mustardseed', 'Team #Fairies'),
('All', 'Everyone speaking at the same time'),
('Fairy', 'One of them #Fairies'),
('Prologue', 'a play within a play'),
('Wall', 'a play within a play'),
('Pyramus', 'a play within a play'),
('Thisbe', 'a play within a play'),
('Lion', 'a play within a play'),
('Moonshine', 'a play within a play');
If you have lots of rows to insert into your database, consider using the copy command instead of doing a series of inserts. If for some reason you can’t use copy, for performance reasons, consider using a single transaction doing several insert statements each with many values.

This article is extracted from my book The Art of PostgreSQL, which teaches SQL to developers so that they may replace thousands of lines of code with very simple queries. The book has a full chapter about Data Manipulation and Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL, including caching with materialized views, check it out!
Insert Into … Select
The insert statement can also use a query as a data source. We could, for instance, fill in our tweet.follower table with people that are known to love each other from their bio field; and also we should have the fairies follow their queen and king, maybe.
First, we need to take this data apart from the previously inserted fields, which is our data source here.
select users.userid as follower,
f.userid as following,
from tweet.users
join tweet.users f
on f.uname = substring( from 'in love with #?(.*).')
where ~ 'in love with';
The substring expression here returns only the regular expression matching group, which happens to be the name of who our user loves. The query then gives us the following result, which looks about right:
follower │ uname │ following │ uname
3 │ Lysander │ 13 │ Hermia
4 │ Demetrius │ 13 │ Hermia
13 │ Hermia │ 3 │ Lysander
14 │ Helena │ 4 │ Demetrius
(4 rows)
Now, we want to insert the follower and following data into the tweet.follower table of course. As the insert into command knows how to read its input from the result of a select statement, it’s pretty easy to do:
insert into tweet.follower
select users.userid as follower,
f.userid as following
from tweet.users
join tweet.users f
on f.uname = substring( from 'in love with #?(.*).')
where ~ 'in love with';
Now about those fairies following their queen and king:
with fairies as
select userid
from tweet.users
where bio ~ '#Fairies'
insert into tweet.follower(follower, following)
select fairies.userid as follower,
users.userid as following
from fairies cross join tweet.users
where ~ 'of the fairies';
This time we even have the opportunity to use a cross join as we want to produce all the different combinations of a fairy with their royal subjects.
Here’s what we have set-up in terms of followers now:
select follower.uname as follower, as "follower's bio",
following.uname as following
from tweet.follower as follows
join tweet.users as follower
on follows.follower = follower.userid
join tweet.users as following
on follows.following = following.userid;
And here’s what we’ve setup:
follower │ follower's bio │ following
Hermia │ daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander. │ Lysander
Helena │ in love with Demetrius. │ Demetrius
Demetrius │ in love with #Hermia. │ Hermia
Lysander │ in love with #Hermia. │ Hermia
Peaseblossom │ Team #Fairies │ Oberon
Cobweb │ Team #Fairies │ Oberon
Moth │ Team #Fairies │ Oberon
Mustardseed │ Team #Fairies │ Oberon
Peaseblossom │ Team #Fairies │ Titania
Cobweb │ Team #Fairies │ Titania
Moth │ Team #Fairies │ Titania
Mustardseed │ Team #Fairies │ Titania
(12 rows)
The support for select as a source of data for the insert statement is the way to implement joins for this command.
The insert into clause also accepts a conflict resolution clause with the on conflict syntax, which is very powerful, and that we address later in our PostgreSQL Concurrency series of articles.
The SQL update statement is used to replace existing values in the database. Its most important aspect lies in its concurrency behavior, as it allows replacing existing values while other users are concurrently working with the database.
In PostgreSQL, all the concurrency feature are based on MVCC, and in the case of the update statement it means that internally PostgreSQL is doing both an insert of the new data and a delete of the old one. PostgreSQL system columns xmin and xmax allow visibility tracking of the rows so that concurrent statement have a consistent snapshot of the server’s data set at all times.
As row locking is done per-tuple in PostgreSQL, an update statement only ever blocks another update, delete or select for update statement that targets the same row(s).
We created some users without a nickname before, and maybe it’s time to remedy that, by assigning them their uname as a nickname for now.
update tweet.users
set nickname = 'Robin Goodfellow'
where userid = 17 and uname = 'Puck'
returning users.*;
Here we pick the id 17 from the table after a manual lookup. The idea is to show how to update fields in a single tuple from a primary key lookup. In a lot of cases, our application’s code has fetched the id previously and injects it in the update query in much the same way as this.
And thanks to the returning clause, we get to see what we’ve done:
userid │ uname │ nickname │ bio │ picture
17 │ Puck │ Robin Goodfellow │ or Robin Goodfellow. │ ¤
(1 row)
As you can see in the previous query not only we used the primary key field, but as it is a synthetic key, we also added the real value we are interested into. Should we have pasted the information wrong, the update would find no matching rows and affect zero tuples.
Now there’s another use case for that double check: concurrency. We know that the Robin Goodfellow nickname applies to Puck. What if someone did update the uname of Puck while we were running our update statement? With that double check, we know exactly one of the following is true:
Either the other statement came in first and the name is no longear Puck and we updated no rows.
The other statement will come later and we did update a row that we know is userid 17 and named Puck.
Think about that trick when dealing with concurrency in your application’s code, and even more when you’re fixing up some data from the console for a one-off fix. Then always use an explicit transaction block so that you can check what happened and issue a rollback; when it’s not what you thought.
We can also update several rows at the same time. Say we want to add a default nickname to all those characters:
update tweet.users
set nickname = case when uname ~ ' '
then substring(uname from '[^ ]* (.*)')
else uname
where nickname is null
returning users.*;
And now everyone is assigned a proper nickname, computed from their username with the easy and practical trick you can see in the query. The main thing to remember in that query is that you can use existing data in your UPDATE statement.
Now, who are our Twitter users?
select uname, nickname, bio
from tweet.users
order by userid;
It’s a bunch of folks you might have heard about before. I’ve taken the names and biographies from the A Midsummer Night’s Dream play from Shakespeare, for which there’s a full XML transcript available at Shakespeare 2.00 thanks to Jon Bosak.
uname │ nickname │ bio
Theseus │ Duke Theseus │ Duke of Athens.
Egeus │ Egeus │ father to #Hermia.
Lysander │ Lysander │ in love with #Hermia.
Demetrius │ Demetrius │ in love with #Hermia.
Philostrate │ Philostrate │ master of the revels to Theseus.
Peter Quince │ Quince │ a carpenter.
Snug │ Snug │ a joiner.
Nick Bottom │ Bottom │ a weaver.
Francis Flute │ Flute │ a bellows-mender.
Tom Snout │ Snout │ a tinker.
Robin Starveling │ Starveling │ a tailor.
Hippolyta │ Hippolyta │ queen of the Amazons, betrothed to Theseus.
Hermia │ Hermia │ daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander.
Helena │ Helena │ in love with Demetrius.
Oberon │ Oberon │ king of the fairies.
Titania │ Titania │ queen of the fairies.
Puck │ Robin Goodfellow │ or Robin Goodfellow.
Peaseblossom │ Peaseblossom │ Team #Fairies
Cobweb │ Cobweb │ Team #Fairies
Moth │ Moth │ Team #Fairies
Mustardseed │ Mustardseed │ Team #Fairies
All │ All │ Everyone speaking at the same time
Fairy │ Fairy │ One of them #Fairies
Prologue │ Prologue │ a play within a play
Wall │ Wall │ a play within a play
Pyramus │ Pyramus │ a play within a play
Thisbe │ Thisbe │ a play within a play
Lion │ Lion │ a play within a play
Moonshine │ Moonshine │ a play within a play
(29 rows)
Inserting Some Tweets
Now that we have created a bunch of users from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, it is time to have them tweet. The full XML transcript available at Shakespeare 2.00 contains not only the list of persona but also the full text of the play. They are all speakers and they all have lines. That’s a good content for tweets!
Here’s what the transcript looks like:
<SCENE><TITLE>SCENE I. Athens. The palace of THESEUS.</TITLE>
<LINE>Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour</LINE>
<LINE>Draws on apace; four happy days bring in</LINE>
<LINE>Another moon: but, O, methinks, how slow</LINE>
<LINE>This old moon wanes! she lingers my desires,</LINE>
<LINE>Like to a step-dame or a dowager</LINE>
<LINE>Long withering out a young man revenue.</LINE>
<LINE>Four days will quickly steep themselves in night;</LINE>
<LINE>Four nights will quickly dream away the time;</LINE>
<LINE>And then the moon, like to a silver bow</LINE>
<LINE>New-bent in heaven, shall behold the night</LINE>
<LINE>Of our solemnities.</LINE>
To have the characters of the play tweet their lines, we write a simple XML parser for the format and use the insert SQL command. Extracted from the code used to insert the data, here’s the insert query:
insert into tweet.message(userid, message)
select userid, $2
from tweet.users
where users.uname = $1 or users.nickname = $1
As the play’s text uses names such as <SPEAKER>QUINCE</SPEAKER>
and we
inserted the real name into our database, we match the play’s XML content
against either the uname or the nickname field.
Now that the data is loaded, we can have a look at the beginning of the play in SQL.
select uname, message
from tweet.message
left join tweet.users using(userid)
order by messageid limit 4;
And yes, we can now see Shakespeare tweeting:
uname │ message
Theseus │ Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour ↵
│ Draws on apace; four happy days bring in ↵
│ Another moon: but, O, methinks, how slow ↵
│ This old moon wanes! she lingers my desires, ↵
│ Like to a step-dame or a dowager ↵
│ Long withering out a young man revenue.
Hippolyta │ Four days will quickly steep themselves in night;↵
│ Four nights will quickly dream away the time; ↵
│ And then the moon, like to a silver bow ↵
│ New-bent in heaven, shall behold the night ↵
│ Of our solemnities.
Theseus │ Go, Philostrate, ↵
│ Stir up the Athenian youth to merriments; ↵
│ Awake the pert and nimble spirit of mirth; ↵
│ Turn melancholy forth to funerals; ↵
│ The pale companion is not for our pomp. ↵
│ Hippolyta, I woo'd thee with my sword, ↵
│ And won thy love, doing thee injuries; ↵
│ But I will wed thee in another key, ↵
│ With pomp, with triumph and with revelling.
Egeus │ Happy be Theseus, our renowned duke!
(4 rows)
The delete statement allows marking tuples for removal. Given PostgreSQL’s implementation of MVCC, it would not be wise to remove the tuple from disk at the time of the delete:
First, the transaction might rollback and we don’t know that yet.
Second, other concurrent transactions only get to see the delete after commit, not as soon as the statement is done.
As with the update statement the most important part of the delete statement has to do with concurrency. Again, the main reason why we use a RDBMS is so that we don’t have to solve the concurrency problems in our application’s code, where instead we can focus on delivering an improved user experience.
The actual removal of on-disk tuples happens with vacuum, which the system runs in the background for you automatically thanks to its autovacuum daemon. PostgreSQL might also re-use the on-disk space for an insert statement as soon as the tuple isn’t visible for any transaction anymore.
Say we mistakenly added characters from another play, and we don’t want to have to deal with them. First, inserting them:
insert into tweet.users (uname, bio)
values ('CLAUDIUS', 'king of Denmark.'),
('HAMLET', 'son to the late, and nephew to the present king'),
('POLONIUS', 'lord chamberlain.'),
('HORATIO', 'friend to Hamlet'),
('LAERTES', 'son to Polonius'),
('LUCIANUS', 'nephew to the king');
The delete syntax is quite simple:
from tweet.users
where userid = 22 and uname = 'CLAUDIUS'
returning *;
And as usual thanks to the returning clause, we know exactly what we just marked for deletion:
userid │ uname │ nickname │ bio │ picture
22 │ CLAUDIUS │ ¤ │ king of Denmark. │ ¤
(1 row)
Now we can also delete more than one row with the same command — it all depends on what we match. As the new characters inserted by mistake didn’t have a part in the play we inserted our messages from, then we can use an anti-join to delete them based on that information:
with deleted_rows as
from tweet.users
where not exists
select 1
from tweet.message
where userid = users.userid
returning *
select min(userid), max(userid),
from deleted_rows;
And as expected we get a nice summary output of exactly what we did. This should now be your default syntax for any delete you have to run interactively in any database, right?
min │ max │ count │ array_agg
(1 row)
It is also possible to use a join condition when deleting rows. It is written using and covered in the PostgreSQL documentation about the delete command.
Tuples and Rows
In this chapter, we’ve been mentioning tuples and rows at different times. There’s a difference between the two: a single row might exist on-disk as more than one tuple at any time, with only one of them visible to any single transaction.
The transaction doing an update now sees the new version of the row, the new tuple just inserted on-disk. As long as this transaction has yet to commit then the rest of the world still sees the previous version of the row, which is another tuple on-disk.
While in some contexts tuples and rows are equivalent, in this chapter about DML we must be careful to use them in the right context.
Deleting All the Rows: Truncate
PostgreSQL adds to the DML statements the truncate command. Internally, it is considered to be a DDL rather than a DML. It is a very efficient way to purge a table of all of its content at once, as it doesn’t follow the per-tuple MVCC system and will simply remove the data files on disk.
Note that the truncate command is still MVCC compliant:
select count(*) from foo;
truncate foo;
select count(*) from foo;
Assuming there’s no concurrent activity on your system when running the commands, both the counting queries naturally return the same number.
Delete but Keep a Few Rows
When cleaning up a data set, it may happen that you want to remove most of the content of a table. It could be a logs table, an audit trail that has expired or something like that. As we saw earlier when using PostgreSQL, delete marks the tuples as not being visible anymore and then vacuum does the heavy lifting in the background. It is then more efficient to create a table containing only the new rows and swap it with the old table:
create table new_name (like name including all);
insert into new_name
select <column list>
from name
where <restrictions>;
drop table name;
alter table new_name rename to name;
In the general case, as soon as you remove most entries from your table, this method is going to be more efficient. The trouble with that method is the level of locking required to run the drop table and the alter table statements.
Those DDL require an access exclusive lock and will block any read and write traffic to both tables while they run. If you don’t have slow hours or even off-hours, then it might not be feasible for you to use this trick.
The good thing about delete and vacuum is that they can run in the middle of about any concurrent traffic of course.
PostgreSQL is and advanced RDBMS which provides plenty fancy data processing options. Its core service is handling concurrent editing of the data, and as a user the way to edit data is by using Data Manipulation Language. In follow-up articles we’ll get into more details about how to deal with concurrency.