If you’ve been following along at home the newer statistics developments, you might have heard about this new State of The Art Cardinality Estimation Algorithm called HyperLogLog. This technique is now available for PostgreSQL in the extension postgresql-hll available at https://github.com/aggregateknowledge/postgresql-hll and soon to be in debian.

*How to Compute Cardinality?*

Installing postgresql-hll

It’s as simple as CREATE EXTENSION hll; really, even if to get there you must have installed the package on your system. We did some packaging work for debian and the result should appear soon in a distro near you.

Then you also need to keep your data in some table, straight from the documentation we can use that schema:

-- Create the destination table
CREATE TABLE daily_uniques (
DATE            DATE UNIQUE,
users           hll

Then to add some data for which you want to know the cardinality of, it’s as simple as in the following UPDATE statement:

UPDATE daily_uniques
   SET users = hll_add(users, hll_hash_text(''))
 WHERE date = current_date;

So in our example what you see is that we want to decipher how many unique IP addresses we saw, and we do that by first creating a hash of that source data then calling hll_add() with the current value and the hash result.

The current value must be initialized using hll_empty().


The most awake readers among you have already spotted that: using an UPDATE on the same row over and over again is a good recipe to kill any form of concurrency, so you don’t want to do that on your production setup unless you don’t care about those UPDATE waiting piling up in your system.

The idea is then to fill-in a queue of updates and asynchronously update the daily_uniques table from that queue, possibly using the hll_add_agg aggregate that the extension provides, so that you do only one update per batch of values to process.

∅: Empty Set and NULL

*Yes there's a [unicode](http://www.unicodemap.org/details/0x2205/index.html) entry for that, ∅*

Now, what happens when the batch of new unique values you want to update from is itself empty? Well I would have expected hll_add_agg over an empty set to return an empty hll value, the same as returned by hll_empty(), but it turns out it’s returning NULL instead.

And then hll_add(users, NULL) will happily return NULL. So the next UPDATE is cancelling all the previous work, which is not nice. We had to cater for that case explicitely in the UPDATE query that’s working from the batch of new values to add to our current HyperLogLog hash entry, and I can’t resist to show off one of the most awesome PostgreSQL features here: writable CTE.

WITH hll(agg) AS (
  SELECT hll_add_agg(hll_hash_text(value)) FROM new_batch
  UPDATE daily_uniques
     SET users = CASE WHEN hll.agg IS NULL THEN users
                      ELSE hll_union(users, hll.agg)
    FROM hll
   WHERE date = current_date;

That’s how you protect against an empty set being turned into a NULL. I think the real fix would need to be included in postgresql-hll itself, in making it so that the hll_add_agg aggregate returns hll_empty() on an empty set, and I will report that bug (with that very article as the detailed explanation of it).

Using postgresql-hll

When using postgresql-hll on the production system, we were able to get some good looking numbers from our daily_uniques table:

with stats as (
  select date, #users as daily, #hll_union_agg(users) over() as total
    from daily_uniques
  select date,
         round(daily) as daily,
         round((daily/total*100)::numeric, 2) as percent
    from stats
order by date;
    date    | daily  | percent 
 2013-02-22 | 401677 |   25.19
 2013-02-23 | 660187 |   41.41
 2013-02-24 | 869980 |   54.56
 2013-02-25 | 154996 |    9.72
(4 rows)

I coulnd’t resist to show off two of my favorite SQL constructs in that example query here, which are the Common Table Expressions (or CTE) and window functions. If that over() clause reads strange to you, take a minute now and go read about it. Yes, do that now, we’re waiting.

The data here is showing that we did setup the facility in the middle of the first day, and that the morning’s activity is quite low.


*The [HyperLogLog DV estimator](http://blog.aggregateknowledge.com/author/wwkae/)*

When using postgresql-hll you need to be careful not to kill your application concurrency abilities, and you need to protect yourself against the ∅ killer too. The other thing to keep in mind is that the numbers you get out of the hll technique are estimates within a given precision, and you might want to read some more about what it means for your intended usage of the feature.