Back to our series about pgloader. The previous articles detailed How To Use PgLoader then How to Setup pgloader, then what to expect from a parallel pgloader setup. This article will detail how to reformat input columns so that what PostgreSQL sees is not what’s in the data file, but the result of a transformation from this data into something acceptable as an input for the target data type.

This article is about versions 2.x of pgloader, which are not supported anymore. Consider using pgloader version 3.x instead.

Here’s what the pgloader documentation has to say about this reformat parameter: The value of this option is a comma separated list of columns to rewrite, which are a colon separated list of column name, reformat module name, reformat function name.

And here’s the examples/pgloader.conf section that deals with reformat:

table           = reformat
format          = text
filename        = reformat/
field_sep       = |
columns         = id, timestamp
reformat        = timestamp:mysql:timestamp

The documentation says some more about it, so check it out. Also, the reformat_path option (set either on the command line or in the configuration file) is used to find the python module implementing the reformat function. Please refer to the manual as to how to set it.

Now, obviously, for the reformat to happen we need to write some code. That’s the whole point of the option: you need something very specific, you are in a position to write the 5 lines of code needed to make it happen, pgloader allows you to just do that. Of course, the code needs to be written in python here, so that you can even benefit from the parallel pgloader settings.

Let’s see an reformat module exemple, as found in reformat/ in the pgloader sources:

# Author: Dimitri Fontaine <[email protected]>
# pgloader mysql reformating module

def timestamp(reject, input):
    """ Reformat str as a PostgreSQL timestamp

    MySQL timestamps are like:  20041002152952
    We want instead this input: 2004-10-02 15:29:52
    if len(input) != 14:
        e = "MySQL timestamp reformat input too short: %s" % input
        reject.log(e, input)
    year    = input[0:4]
    month   = input[4:6]
    day     = input[6:8]
    hour    = input[8:10]
    minute  = input[10:12]
    seconds = input[12:14]
    return '%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' % (year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds)

This reformat module will transform a timestamp representation as issued by certain versions of MySQL into something that PostgreSQL is able to read as a timestamp.

If you’re in the camp that wants to write as little code as possible rather than easy to read and maintain code, I guess you could write it this way instead:

import re
def timestamp(reject, input):
    """ 20041002152952 -> 2004-10-02 15:29:52 """
    g = re.match(r"(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})", input)
    return '%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' % tuple([ for x in range(6)])

Whenever you have an input file with data that PostgreSQL chokes upon, you can solve this problem from pgloader itself: no need to resort to scripting and a pipelines of awk (which I use a lot in other cases, don’t get me wrong) or other tools. See, you finally have an excuse to Dive into Python!