When you do partition your tables monthly, then comes the question of when to create next partitions. I tend to create them just the week before next month and I have some nice nagios scripts to alert me in case I’ve forgotten to do so. How to check that by hand in the end of a month?
Here’s a catalog query to help you there:
select *
select 'previous parts' as schemaname,
count(*)::text as tablename
from pg_tables
where schemaname not in ('pg_catalog','information_schema')
and tablename like to_char(now(), '%YYYYMM')
select schemaname,
substring(tablename,1,length(tablename)-6) || '201108'
from pg_tables
where schemaname not in ('pg_catalog','information_schema')
and tablename like to_char(now(), '%YYYYMM')
select schemaname, tablename
from pg_tables
where schemaname not in ('pg_catalog','information_schema')
and tablename like to_char(now() + interval '1 month', '%YYYYMM')
as t
order by schemaname <> 'previous parts',
Which gives us, in our case:
schemaname | tablename
previous parts | 1
central | stats_entrantes_201108
(2 rows)
As you see, our partitions are named _YYYYMM
so that’s it’s easy to match
them in our queries, but I guess about everyone does about the same here.
Then the to_char
expressions only allow to not enter manually '%201108'
in the query text. And there’s a trick so that we display how many
partitions we have this month, adding a line to the result…