This question about pgloader usage coms in quite frequently, and I think the examples README goes a long way in answering it. It’s not exactly a tutorial but is almost there.

This article is about versions series 2.x of pgloader, which are not supported anymore. Consider using pgloader version 3.x instead. Also the following examples are still available in the 3.x series and you can see the command files at the GitHub repository for pgloader:

Let me paste it here for reference:

installing pgloader

Either use the debian package or the one for your distribution of choice if you use another one. RedHat, CentOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and some more already include a binary package that you can use directly.

Or you could git clone and go from there. As it’s all python code, it runs fine interpreted from the source directory, you don’t need to install it in a special place in your system.

setting up the test environment

To use them, please first create a pgloader database, then for each example the tables it needs, then issue the pgloader command:

$ createdb --encoding=utf-8 pgloader
$ cd examples
$ psql pgloader < simple/simple.sql
$ ../ -Tvc pgloader.conf simple

If you want to load data from all examples, create tables for all of them first, then run pgloader without argument.

example description

The provided examples are:

  • simple

    This dataset shows basic case, with trailing separator and data reordering.

  • xzero

    Same as simple but using \0 as the null marker ( ^@)

  • errors

    Same test, but with impossible dates. Should report some errors. If it does not report errors, check you’re not using psycopg 1.1.21.

    Should report 3 errors out of 7 lines (4 updates).

  • clob

    This dataset shows some text large object importing to PostgreSQL text datatype.

  • cluttured

    A dataset with newline escaped and multi-line input (without quoting) Beware of data reordering, too.

  • csv

    A dataset with csv delimiter ‘,’ and quoting ‘"’.

  • partial

    A dataset from which we only load some columns of the provided one.

  • serial

    In this dataset the id field is ommited, it’s a serial which will be automatically set by PostgreSQL while COPYing.

  • reformat

    A timestamp column is formated the way MySQL dump its timestamp, which is not the same as the way PostgreSQL reads them. The reformat.mysql module is used to reformat the data on-the-fly.

  • udc

    A used defined column test, where all file columns are not used but a new constant one, not found in the input datafile, is added while loading data.

running the import

You can launch all those pgloader tests in one run, provided you created the necessary tables:

$ for sql in */*sql; do psql pgloader < $sql; done
 $ ../ -Tsc pgloader.conf

  errors       WARNING  COPY error, trying to find on which line
  errors       WARNING  COPY data buffer saved in /tmp/errors.AhWvAv.pgloader
  errors       WARNING  COPY error recovery done (2/3) in 0.064s
  errors       WARNING  COPY error, trying to find on which line
  errors       WARNING  COPY data buffer saved in /tmp/errors.BclHtj.pgloader
  errors       WARNING  COPY error recovery done (1/1) in 0.054s
  errors       ERROR    3 errors found into [errors] data
  errors       ERROR    please read /tmp/errors.rej.log for errors log
  errors       ERROR    and /tmp/errors.rej for data still to process
  errors       ERROR    3 database errors occured
  reformat     WARNING  COPY error, trying to find on which line
  reformat     WARNING  COPY data buffer saved in /tmp/reformat.6P4WCD.pgloader
  reformat     WARNING  COPY error recovery done (1/4) in 0.034s
  reformat     ERROR    1 errors found into [reformat] data
  reformat     ERROR    please read /tmp/reformat.rej.log for errors log
  reformat     ERROR    and /tmp/reformat.rej for data still to process
  reformat     ERROR    1 database errors occured
  Table name        |    duration |    size |  copy rows |     errors
  allcols           |      0.025s |       - |          8 |          0
  clob              |      0.034s |       - |          7 |          0
  cluttered         |      0.061s |       - |          6 |          0
  csv               |      0.035s |       - |          6 |          0
  errors            |      0.113s |       - |          4 |          3
  fixed             |      0.045s |       - |          3 |          0
  partial           |      0.030s |       - |          7 |          0
  reformat          |      0.036s |       - |          4 |          1
  serial            |      0.029s |       - |          7 |          0
  simple            |      0.050s |       - |          7 |          0
  udc               |      0.020s |       - |          5 |          0
  Total             |      0.367s |       - |         64 |          4

Please note errors test should return 3 errors and reformat 1 error.