A breadcrumb is a navigation aid. I just added one to this website, so that it gets easier to browse from any article to its local and parents indexes and back to /dev/dim, the root webpage of this site.

As it was not that much work to implement, here’s the whole of it:

;;; Breadcrumb support
(defun tapoueh-breadcrumb-to-current-page ()
  "Return a list of (name . link) from the index root page to current one"
  (let* ((current (muse-current-file))
	 (cwd     (file-name-directory current))
	 (project (muse-project-of-file current))
	 (root    (muse-style-element :path (caddr project)))
	 (path    (tapoueh-path-to-root))
	 (dirs    (split-string (file-relative-name current root) "/")))
    ;; ("blog" "2011" "07" "13-back-from-char11.muse")
     (list (cons "/dev/dim" (concat path "index.html")))
     (loop for p in (butlast dirs)
	   collect (cons p (format "%s%s/index.html" path p))
	   do (setq path (concat path p "/"))))))

(defun tapoueh-insert-breadcrumb-div ()
  "The real HTML inserting"
  (insert "<div id=\"breadcrumb\">")
  (loop for (name . link) in (tapoueh-breadcrumb-to-current-page)
	do (insert (format "<a href=%s>%s</a>" link name) " / "))
  (insert "</div>\n"))

(defun tapoueh-insert-breadcrumb ()
  "Must run with current buffer being a muse article"
    (when (tapoueh-extract-directive "author" (muse-current-file))
      (re-search-forward "<body>" nil t) ; find where the article content is
      (re-search-forward "<h2>" nil t)	 ; that's the title line
      (open-line 1)

      (re-search-forward "<h2>" nil t 2) ; that's the TAG line
      (open-line 1)

This code is now called in the :after function of my Muse project style, and it gets the work done.