Please welcome the new stable version of El-Get, the much awaited version 4.1 has now been branched for your pleasure. It’s packed with lots of features to make your life easy, comes with a Info documentation book and even has a logo. That’s no joke, I found one, at least:
Why El-Get is relevant Emacs 24.1 is the first release that includes package.el, and it even allows the user to setup several sources where to fetch packages.

The el-get project releases its new stable version, 3.1. This new release fixes bugs, add a host of new recipes (we have 420 of them and counting) and some nice new features too. You really want to upgrade.
New features Among the features you will find dependencies management and M-x el-get-list-packages, that you should try as soon as possible. Of course, don’t miss M-x el-get-self-update that eases the process somehow.

We still have this problem to solve with extensions and their packaging. How to best organize things so that your extension is compatible with before 9.1 and 9.1 and following releases of PostgreSQL?
Well, I had to do it for the ip4r contribution, and I wanted the following to happen:
dpkg-deb: building package `postgresql-8.3-ip4r' ... dpkg-deb: building package `postgresql-8.4-ip4r' ... dpkg-deb: building package `postgresql-9.0-ip4r' ... dpkg-deb: building package `postgresql-9.1-ip4r' ... And here’s a simple enough way to achieve that.

We’ve spotted a little too late for our own taste a discrepancy in the source tree: a work in progress patch landed in git just before to release el-get stable. So we cleaned the tree (thanks again Julien), branched a stable maintenance tree, and released 2.2 from there.
You’re back to enjoying el-get :)

Current el-get status is stable, ready for daily use and packed with extra features that make life easier. There are some more things we could do, as always, but they will be about smoothing things further.
Latest released version el-get version 2.1 is available, with a boatload of features, including autoloads support, byte-compiling in an external clean room Emacs instance, custom support, lazy initialisation support (defering all init functions to eval-after-load), and multi repositories ELPA support.