37 Articles tagged “Extensions”

In the news recently stored procedures where used as an excuse for moving away logic from the database layer to application layer, and to migrate away from a powerful technology to a simpler one, now that there’s no logic anymore in the database. It’s not the way I would typically approach scaling problems, and apparently I’m not alone on the Stored Procedures camp. Did you read this nice blog post Mythbusters: Stored Procedures Edition already?

The next PostgreSQL conference is approaching very fast now, I hope you have your ticket already: it’s a very promissing event! If you want some help in deciding whether to register or not, just have another look at the schedule. Pick the talks you want to see. It’s hard, given how packed with good ones the schedule is. When you’re mind is all set, review the list. Registered? I’ll be presenting another talk about extensions, but this time I’ve geared up to use cases, with Extensions are good for business logic.

PostgreSQL 9.1 est dans les bacs ! Vous n’avez pas encore cette nouvelle version en production ? Pas encore évalué pourquoi vous devriez envisager de migrer à cette version ? Il existe beaucoup de bonnes raisons de passer à cette version, et peu de pièges. Nous commençons à lire des articles qui reprennent la nouvelle dans la presse française, et j’ai le plaisir de mentionner celui de programmez.com qui annonce « un système d’extensions inégalé ».

As of pretty recently, pgfincore is now in debian, as you can see on its postgresql-9.0-pgfincore page. The reason why it entered the debian archives is that it reached the 1.0 release! Rather than talking about what pgfincore is all about ( A set of functions to manage pages in memory from PostgreSQL), I will talk about its packaging and support as a debian package. Here’s the first example of a modern multi-version packaging I have to offer.

We still have this problem to solve with extensions and their packaging. How to best organize things so that your extension is compatible with before 9.1 and 9.1 and following releases of PostgreSQL? Well, I had to do it for the ip4r contribution, and I wanted the following to happen: dpkg-deb: building package `postgresql-8.3-ip4r' ... dpkg-deb: building package `postgresql-8.4-ip4r' ... dpkg-deb: building package `postgresql-9.0-ip4r' ... dpkg-deb: building package `postgresql-9.1-ip4r' ... And here’s a simple enough way to achieve that.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
