PostgresOpen is a non–profit, community–run conference series in the United States focused on business users, database professionals and developers of PostgreSQL, the world’s most advanced open source database. PostgresOpen target entrepreneurs, technologists and decision–makers on the leading edge of data management, open source database innovation and disruption of the database industry. PostgresOpen promotes the business of PostgreSQL as well as its use and development
As a developer using PostgreSQL one of the most important tasks you have to deal with is modeling the database schema for your application. In order to achieve a solid design, it’s important to understand how the schema is then going to be used as well as the trade-offs it involves.
PostgreSQL is the World’s Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database and by the end of this talk you will understand what that means for you, an application developer. What kind of problems PostgreSQL can solve for you, and how much you can rely on PostgreSQL in your daily activities, including unit-testing.