Category “PostgreSQL” — 131 articles

A recent interview question that I had to review was spelled like this:

Find missing int element into array 1..100

Of course at first read I got it wrong, you have only one integer to look for into the array. So while the obvious idea was to apply classic sorting techniques and minimize array traversal to handle complexity (time and space), it turns out there’s a much simpler way to do it if you remember your math lessons from younger. But is it that much simpler?

In our Tour of Extensions today’s article is about advanced tag indexing. We have a great data collection to play with and our goal today is to be able to quickly find data matching a complex set of tags. So, let’s find out those lastfm tracks that are tagged as blues and rhythm and blues, for instance. We’re going to use the dataset from the Million Song Dataset project here.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
