Category “Emacs” — 24 articles

Emacs Cheat Sheet

I stumbled upon the following cheat sheet for Emacs yesterday, and it’s worth sharing. I already learnt or discovered again some nice default chords, like for example C-x C-o runs the command delete-blank-lines and C-M-o runs the command split-line. I guess I will use the later one a lot. Hope you’ll like it!

Don't be afraid of 'cl

In this blog article, you’re shown a quite long function that loop through your buffers to find out if any of them is associated with a file whose full name includes "projects". Well, you should not be afraid of using cl: (require 'cl) (loop for b being the buffers when (string-match "projects" (or (buffer-file-name b) "")) return t) If you want to collect the list of buffers whose name matches your test, then replace return t by collect b and you’re done.

We’ve spotted a little too late for our own taste a discrepancy in the source tree: a work in progress patch landed in git just before to release el-get stable. So we cleaned the tree (thanks again Julien), branched a stable maintenance tree, and released 2.2 from there. You’re back to enjoying el-get :)

Current el-get status is stable, ready for daily use and packed with extra features that make life easier. There are some more things we could do, as always, but they will be about smoothing things further. Latest released version el-get version 2.1 is available, with a boatload of features, including autoloads support, byte-compiling in an external clean room Emacs instance, custom support, lazy initialisation support (defering all init functions to eval-after-load), and multi repositories ELPA support.

A while ago I’ve been fixing and publishing pgsql-linum-format separately. That allows to number PL/whatever code lines when editing from Emacs, and it’s something very useful to turn on when debugging. The carrets on the fringe in the emacs window are the result of (setq-default indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left) and here it’s just overloading the image somehow. But the idea is to just M-x linum-mode when you need it, at least that’s my usage of it.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
