A recent interview question that I had to review was spelled like this:
Find missing int element into array 1..100
Of course at first read I got it wrong, you have only one integer to look for into the array. So while the obvious idea was to apply classic sorting techniques and minimize array traversal to handle complexity (time and space), it turns out there’s a much simpler way to do it if you remember your math lessons from younger. But is it that much simpler?
Table of Contents
Is it math or computer science?
The expected solution was to remember the Gauss trick that the sum of the number from 1 to n is 1/2 * (n * n+1), that is 5050 in our case. If you sum the numbers from the list missing one random element, then compute the difference between that sum and 5050, you find the missing element:
(let* ((n 100)
(all (loop for i upto n collect i))
(missing (remove (random n) all)))
(- (* 1/2 n (+ n 1))
(loop for i in missing sum i)))
Back to computer science
While I can understand the smarts behind that approach, I would argue that it’s a cleverer approach, too smart for its own good.
My first question is going to be about integer overflow and how to handle it, in cases when your target is not 100 elements but a lot more that this?
Then, what about having not one but two missing numbers in the list, or maybe an unknown number of them? What about a list of something else than numbers?
Back to the drawing board
Rather than trying to write ourselves all the details of a good generic algorithm that would work even with big numbers and then with unicode strings and several missing items, let’s try to use advanced tooling.
The general exercice we are up to now is called set difference, and rightly available in the Common Lisp standard under that name:
(let* ((n 100)
(all (loop for i upto n collect i))
(missing (remove (random n) all)))
(set-difference all missing :test '=))
In python you can use a set data structure and then the code looks like this:
>>> all = {x for x in range(100)}
>>> missing = all.copy()
>>> missing.remove(int(random()*100))
>>> all - missing
In both cases it’s possible to manipulate sets containing an arbitrary data type, not just integers, and we will find more than a single missing entry. That’s pretty good.
Let’s note that in Common Lisp
set-difference function
accepts arguments key
and test
(and test-not
) in order to be generic.
You can then pass as argument a key
function that extracts the key you’re
comparing (so that nested and complex data structures are taken care of),
and a test
function to compare the values, it’s not assumed to be =
, it
could be something specific to your application. All the advanced list based
functions allow that in Common Lisp. Back to why that matters later.
Where the data comes from?
If we want to generalize our approach here, we need to consider that maybe the data is coming from the database, right? In which case, you might want to avoid fetching it all in the client’s program local memory to then process it when all you need is the missing elements.
Can we code the set difference easily in SQL then? Of course we can, SQL is all about working with sets. There’s even more than one way to do it. We are going to see the set operation technique, then the anti join technique, and finally the where not exists technique.
Let’s first setup the data set with a create table
then delete
> create table ints as
select i
from generate_series(1,100) as t(i);
> with rnd(i) as (select (random()*100)::int)
delete from ints using rnd where ints.i = rnd.i;
The SQL set operations
The SQL standard includes SQL Set Operations, which allow for combining query results and consider them as sets. The most known operation here is union. What we need today is except:
> select i from generate_series(1,100) as t(i)
select i from ints;
(1 row)
The query plan is quite a direct mapping of how the query is written, you
can obtain it with the command explain (costs off) <query here>
and here’s
what we get:
HashSetOp Except
-> Append
-> Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 1"
-> Function Scan on generate_series t
-> Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 2"
-> Seq Scan on ints
(6 rows)
The Anti Join Technique
This technique is a join where you’re interested into element that fail the join condition, and can be written as in the following form:
> select series.i
from ints
right join (select i
from generate_series(1,100) t(i)
) series
on series.i = ints.i
where ints.i is null;
(1 row)
The SQL statement then might look complex because it’s using a right join against a subquery. Remember that a right join is exactly the same thing as a left join, the only difference being that the reference relation is either on the left or on the right hand side of the join keyword.
I usually advice against using right join in production code, because of its surprise factor. Your colleagues might not like to have to read the PostgreSQL Table Expressions documentation just because you felt right inclined that day.
Also you can notice that the table expression (or relation) we are
joining against is actually a query where we use generate_series
produce the data we need at query time. The SQL from clause includes more
than just tables, it also supports join results and subqueries, and other
things. Think of it as a relation or a data source that you have server
side. That’s what it is.
That query technique is named an anti-join as reported by the explain (costs off) <query here>
command in PostgreSQL:
Hash Anti Join
Hash Cond: (t.i = ints.i)
-> Function Scan on generate_series t
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on ints
(5 rows)
As its name suggests an anti-join allows to find rows that don’t match
given the joining criteria, here series.i = ints.i
. It means we find all
the rows that don’t exist in the series data source. If we delete
another row in the ints table then we find all the missing entries by
running the same query again:
> delete from ints where i = (random()*100)::int;
> select series.i
from ints
right join (select i
from generate_series(1,100) t(i)
) series
on series.i = ints.i
where ints.i is null;
(2 rows)
Also, if we were to deal with any other data type (that has an equality operator) then we could use the same query again and just happily find our missing elements.
The NOT EXISTS technique
Another way to solve our problem in SQL is using the not exists construction, as shown in the following example:
> select i
from generate_series(1,100) as t(i)
where not exists (select 1
from ints
where ints.i = t.i);
(2 rows)
You might be surprised by the way this query is written. For each of our
series from 1 to 100 we have a look into the correlated subquery
introduced by the not exists
SQL construct, and we keep only rows for
which this subquery returns no rows. So the subquery is written to
return a single constant (the number 1 here) in the case where it finds
something, because we are not interested into matches here.
And the query plan is an anti-join again, exactly the same as in the previous section:
Hash Anti Join
Hash Cond: (t.i = ints.i)
-> Function Scan on generate_series t
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on ints
(5 rows)
That’s because PostgreSQL is smart enough to realise that both the writings are actually meaning the exact same thing, so the query optimizer is now finding the same best way to solve our query for us. And that’s an Hash Anti Join here, given the size of our data set and the lack of any indexing.
Comparing, sorting, computing hashes
All those SQL techniques are using the =
operator in order to compare
items here. This operator is implemented by a different function for each
data type. Let’s have a look at some of the comparison operators for
select format('%s(%s,%s)', o.oprname,
as operator,
oprcode::regprocedure as function
from pg_operator o
join pg_type rt on o.oprright = rt.oid
join pg_type lt on o.oprleft = lt.oid
where o.oprkind = 'b'
and o.oprname = '='
and lt.typname ~ 'int';
operator │ function
=(int4,int8) │ int48eq(integer,bigint)
=(int2,int2) │ int2eq(smallint,smallint)
=(int4,int4) │ int4eq(integer,integer)
=(int2vector,int2vector) │ int2vectoreq(int2vector,int2vector)
=(int8,int8) │ int8eq(bigint,bigint)
=(int8,int4) │ int84eq(bigint,integer)
=(int2,int4) │ int24eq(smallint,integer)
=(int4,int2) │ int42eq(integer,smallint)
=(tinterval,tinterval) │ tintervaleq(tinterval,tinterval)
=(interval,interval) │ interval_eq(interval,interval)
=(int2,int8) │ int28eq(smallint,bigint)
=(int8,int2) │ int82eq(bigint,smallint)
(12 rows)
So while it might be hard to argue that SQL is object-oriented, depending on
your definition of the term, it clearly goes pretty far in being generic
and allowing polymorphism for its data types. Previously with Common
Lisp we got side tracked about the key
and test
arguments to
, and here’s why it was important. We want a generic
solution that we can reuse easily, and with good performances
characteristics, and we see two different ways to obtain that.
This means that in our example, we can reuse the exact same query for any datatype we have to deal with.
In conclusion this little interview question got us thinking some more about real world use cases and how to solve them with the best tool at hand. Sometimes it’s going to be set-difference, which is much better than Gauss’ trick because it’s easy to read and because you can adjust it to other data types and situation (not just a single missing number).

Sometimes the dataset you’re working with is already available in your database server and then it might not be worth it to transfer the whole dataset on the network and then store it in memory on the client machine when a simple enough SQL query is going to be able to handle it for you, right?
The message I want to draw attention to is that SQL is very powerful and it’s worth learning!