Recently I’ve been to some more conferences and didn’t take the time to blog about them, even though I really did have great fun over there. So I felt I should take some time and report about my experience at those conferences. And of course, some more is on the way, as the PostgreSQL Conference Tour gets busier each year it seems.

*And PostgreSQL Conferences get more attendees each year!*

PGCON 2013, Ottawa

In may was the famous PGCON conference where PostgreSQL contributors are meeting all together, offering the occasion to run the Hackers Meeting. This year’s edition has been a really great one, with lots of people attending and lots of really interesting talks to attend to. In fact, so much interesting that I almost skipped the Hallway Track entirely, which is really impressive.

The main topics of interests I’ve been hearing in the more general talks I’ve attended, and in the numerous informal chats I had (we call that the beer track or the social events) where about Bi Directional Replication as the next step forward with our core-included replication technology and how to get more from Extensions. I’m very happy to be affiliated with the company working on those topics, as you can imagine.

I’ve been presenting my Implementing High Availability talk and the video of it is now available on Youtube, so that you can enjoy my unique accent:

My own take away for that conference is another batch of work to complete for Extensions and Event Triggers, so expect to see some articles about those topics in the following months, and with some luck I will even be able to talk about what I want to achieve when those tools land in core.

PGDayFR 2013

Then in June was the PG Day France where I presented a talk about Petabyte PostgreSQL, in french. This talk is about listing the current limitations preventing us from enjoying PostgreSQL at full capacity on a single Petabyte node, then talking about the work in progress to get there.

The conference itself was great with about one hundred attendees and a good talk selection. It was a single track, all in french, and I still hope that we would be able to organize a conference with two tracks, allowing us to invite speakers from all over Europe. I’m pretty sure attendees would be happy to listen to English talks if they had a choice about it and could go to the main french session instead.


The next conference on the schedule is now CHAR(13), a 2ndQuadrant company conference about Clustering, High Availability and Replication. I will be talking about Advanced Distributed Architectures, or in other words those use cases for replication where the main goal is not to implement High Availability.