Le PG Day France 2013 a eu lieu le 13 juin à Nantes.
As a PostgreSQL Major Contributor, I sometimes get to speak at conferences. Here you will find the list of talks I’ve been doing, with the slides available as PDF.
As a PostgreSQL Major Contributor, I sometimes get to speak at conferences. Here you will find the list of talks I’ve been doing, with the slides available as PDF.
Le PG Day France 2013 a eu lieu le 13 juin à Nantes.
Une conférence qui s’attache aux usages de PostgreSQL avec de très gros volumes de données, intitulée Vers le PetaByte avec PostgreSQL.
There was an Emacs Conference on 30 March 2013!
An history of el-get, the Emacs library that helps you to manage the external elisp bits and pieces upon which you depend!
After four successful sessions dedicated to the new features of PostgreSQL 9.0 (february 2011), to PostGIS (june 2011), to replication systems (february 2012), and to migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL (october 2012), we’d like to announce that the 5th PostgreSQL Session has been held on March 28th, 2013, in Paris, France.
Une présentation en français qui traite des performances avec PostgreSQL, er rappelle la loi d’Amdahl dans le contexte des performances de requêtes SQL.
FOSDEM is a free event that offers open source communities a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate. It is renowned for being highly developer-oriented and brings together 5000+ geeks from all over the world.
The first talk is a presentation of PostgreSQL High-Availability solutions, with different Architectures presented in their context. All the Architectures from the talk have been actually deployed to production, and we cover feedback from the trenches!
The second talk is an overview of the then brewing PostgreSQL Event Triggers patch, as the target audience at FOSDEM is known to include PostgreSQL hackers.
L’antenne AFUP Lyon est la représentante dans la région Rhône-Alpes de l’Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP. Elle organise rencontres, apéro, ateliers, rendez-vous autour des dernières avancées du langage. Elle permet également aux développeurs de la région de se rencontrer, de partager leurs expériences, de mettre en commun leur savoir, d’échanger autour de leurs pratiques. Enfin, elle répond à toutes les questions que les professionnels locaux peuvent se poser sur PHP.
The PostgreSQL for Developers talk begins with a simple use case for developers to solve entirely in SQL. Discover SQL window functions if you don’t know them already, and then see about advanced PostgreSQL stuff such as ranges.