What if you could turn
thousands of lines of code into
simple queries?

As a PostgreSQL Major Contributor, I sometimes get to speak at conferences. Here you will find the list of talks I’ve been doing, with the slides available as PDF.

PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2013

PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2013 was held on October 29-November 1 in Dublin, Ireland, at the Conrad Dublin hotel. It delivered three days packed with presentations about PostgreSQL and related technologies, one day of extended trainings, and the usual hallway and social track!

The first talk covers migrating from MySQL to PostgreSQL in a single command line thanks to pgloader, your migration companion.

The second talk is a 3 hours-long tutorial about Writing and Using PostgreSQL Extensions, covering all the aspects from create extension to writing a PostgreSQL datatype in C, and implementing the indexing API. It’s easier than you thought!

I wrote a book!

Open World Forum 2013

Open World Forum est le premier sommet européen rassemblant les décideurs, les communautés, les développeurs pour cross-fertiliser les initiatives technologiques, économiques et sociétales ouvertes, afin de bâtir le futur du numérique. L’événement a été fondé en 2008 et se tient désormais chaque année à Paris, avec plus de 200 orateurs venus de 40 pays et une audience internationale attendue de 3000 participants en 2013.

Une présentation qui montre que PostgreSQL est déjà web-scale, avec un rappel de l’histoire du projet et quelques exemples pratiques montrant des cas d’usages modernes de PostgreSQL.


OSCON is where all of the pieces come together: developers, innovators, businesspeople, and investors. In the early days, this trailblazing O’Reilly event was focused on changing mainstream business thinking and practices; today OSCON is about how the close partnership between business and the open source community is building the future. That future is everywhere you look.

The migration of a complex system and architecture from MySQL and Java to PostgreSQL and PHP, with plenty details about the context and the trade-offs that were made in the process. Also, full description of a PostgreSQL Cluster of 16-nodes, with High-Availability and Read and Write Load-Balancing implemented.


Portland Postgres Users Group meet the third Thursday of every month at Iovation. Our regular meetings tend to be pretty casual affairs; presentations often evolve into a conversation or problem-solving session. A list of past talks can be found on the Postgres wiki: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PDXPUG_Talks.

The PostgreSQL for Developers talk begins with a simple use case for developers to solve entirely in SQL. Discover SQL window functions if you don’t know them already, and then see about advanced PostgreSQL stuff such as ranges.

SFPUG Meeting

The San Francisco PostgreSQL User Group meet in San Francisco, Berkeley and Oakland.

A presentation of Skytools version 3, the replication toolset from Skype that includes Londiste and PGQ.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
