Category “PostgreSQL” — 131 articles

At the Open World Forum two weeks ago I had the pleasure to meet with Colin Charles. We had a nice talk about the current state of both MariaDB and PostgreSQL, and even were both interviewed by the Open World Forum Team. The interview is now available online. Dear French readers, it’s in English. Here’s the video: Executive Summary: MariaDB is a drop-in fully Open Source replacement for MySQL and sees quite some progress and innovation being made, and PostgreSQL is YeSQL!

PostgreSQL is an all round impressive Relational DataBase Management System which implements the SQL standard (see the very useful reference page Comparison of different SQL implementations for details). PostgreSQL also provides with unique solutions in the database market and has been leading innovation for some years now. Still, there’s no support for Autonomous Transactions within the server itself. Let’s have a look at how to easily implement them with PL/Proxy.

The following story is only interesting to read if you like it when bad things happen, or if you don’t have a trustworthy backup policy in place. By trustworthy I mean that each backup you take must be tested with a test recovery job. Only tested backups will prove useful when you need them. So go read our Backup and Restore documentation chapter then learn how to setup Barman for handling physical backups and Point In Time Recovery.

In our ongoing Tour of Extensions we played with earth distance in How far is the nearest pub? then with hstore in a series about trigger, first to generalize Trigger Parameters then to enable us to Auditing Changes with Hstore. Today we are going to work with pg_trgm which is the trigrams PostgreSQL extension: its usage got seriously enhanced in recent PostgreSQL releases and it’s now a poor’s man Full Text Search engine.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
