What if you could turn
thousands of lines of code into
simple queries?

As a PostgreSQL Major Contributor, I sometimes get to speak at conferences. Here you will find the list of talks I’ve been doing, with the slides available as PDF.

Architectures PostgreSQL

Brown Bag Lunch Orness: Orness s’inspire du concept du Brown Bag Lunch et vous invite à déjeuner autour d’un sujet technique.

Le domaine des bases de données se transforme depuis quelques années, avec en particulier de nouvelles offres autour des notions de NoSQL… Au point que l’on peut se demander si les bases de données relationnelles ont encore leur place dans nos infrastructures de production.

Ce BBL a pour objectif de rappeler quels problèmes PostgreSQL sait résoudre pour vos applications et montre ainsi qu’il est toujours pertinent de l’utiliser en 2018. Nous détaillerons des points d’architecture de production, de haute disponibilité, de durabilité et bien évidement nous adresserons également le traitement des données en SQL.

I wrote a book!

PostgreSQL Conference Europe, 2018

PGConf.EU is a unique chance for European PostgreSQL users and developers to catch up, learn, build relationships, get to know each other and consolidate a real network of professionals that use and work with PostgreSQL.

As a developer using PostgreSQL one of the most important tasks you have to deal with is modeling the database schema for your application. In order to achieve a solid design, it’s important to understand how the schema is then going to be used as well as the trade-offs it involves.

As Fred Brooks said: “Show me your flowcharts and conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won’t usually need your flowcharts; they’ll be obvious.”

In this talk we’re going to see practical normalisation examples and their benefits, and also review some anti-patterns and their typical PostgreSQL solutions, including Denormalization techniques thanks to advanced Data Types.

PyConFr 2018

Organisée par l’AFPy, cette conférence est gratuite, entièrement organisée par des bénévoles et regroupe les personnes intéressées par le langage de programmation Python.

Python is often used to maintain application backends. When the backend should implement user oriented workflows, it may rely on a RDBMS component to take care of the system’s integrity.

PostgreSQL is the world’s most advanced open source relational database, and is very good at taking care of your system’s integrity. PostgreSQL also comes with a ton of data processing power, and in many cases a simple enough SQL statement may replace hundreds of lines of code written in Python.

In this talk, we learn advanced SQL techniques and how to reason about which part of the backend code should be done in the database, and which parf of the backend code is so easier to write as a SQL query.

PostgreSQL at Chti'JUG

El groupe Java din ch’Nord ed’ la France

Le domaine des bases de données se transforme depuis quelques années, avec en particulier de nouvelles offres autour des notions de NoSQL… Au point que l’on peut se demander si les bases de données relationnelles ont encore leur place dans nos infrastructures de production. Cette présentation rappelle quels problèmes PostgreSQL sait résoudre pour vos applications et montre ainsi qu’il est toujours pertinent en 2018. Nous détaillerons des points d’architecture de production, de haute disponibilité, de durabilité et bien évidement nous adresserons également le traitement des données en SQL.

Nordic pgDay 2018

Nordic PGDay 2018 is an excellent chance to learn more about the worlds most advanced open source database among your peers in the Nordic region. Whether you use PostgreSQL professionally or play with it in your spare time; whether you love the new jsonb capabilities or hack on query planner internals; Nordic PGDay will have something for you.

As a developer using PostgreSQL one of the most important tasks you have to deal with is modeling the database schema for your application. In order to achieve a solid design, it’s important to understand how the schema is then going to be used as well as the trade-offs it involves.

Dimitri Fontaine

PostgreSQL Major Contributor

Open Source Software Engineer
