It happens that you have to manage databases designed by your predecessor, and it even happens that the team used to not have a DBA. Those histerical raisins can lead to having a SQL_ASCII database. The horror!

What SQL_ASCII means, if you’re not already familiar with the consequences of such a choice, is that all the text and varchar data that you put in the database is accepted as-is. No checks. At all. It’s pretty nice when you’re lazy enough to not dealing with strange errors in your application, but if you think that t’s a smart move, please go read The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) by Joel Spolsky now. I said now, I’m waiting for you to get back here. Yes, I’ll wait.

The problem of course is not being able to read the data you just stored, which is seldom the use case anywhere you use a database solution such as PostgreSQL.

Now, it happens too that it’s high time to get off of SQL_ASCII, the infamous. In our case we’re lucky enough in that the data are all in fact latin1 or about that, and this comes from the fact that all the applications connecting to the database are sharing some common code and setup. Then we have some tables that can be tagged archives and some other live. This blog post will only deal with the former category.

For those tables that are not receiving changes anymore, we will migrate them by using a simple but time hungry method: COPY OUT|recode|COPY IN. I’ve tried to use iconv for recoding our data, but it failed to do so in lots of cases, so I’ve switched to using the GNU recode tool, which works just fine.

The fact that it takes so much time doing the conversion is not really a problem here, as you can do it offline, while the applications are still using the SQL_ASCII database. So, here’s the program’s help: [-npdf0TI] [-U user ] -s schema [-m mintable] pattern
     -d debug
     -n dry run, only print table names and expected files
     -s schema
     -m mintable, to skip already processed once
     -U connect to PostgreSQL as user
     -f force table loading even when export files do exist
     -0 only (re)load tables with zero-sized copy files
     -T Truncate the tables before COPYing recoded data
     -I Temporarily drop the indexes of the table while COPYing
pattern ^table_name_, e.g.

The -I option is neat enough to create the indexes in parallel, but with no upper limit on the number of index creation launched. In our case it worked well, so I didn’t have to bother.

Take a look at the script, and don’t hesitate editing it for your purpose. It’s missing some obvious options to get useful in the large, such

We’ll get back to the subject of this entry in part 2, dealing with how to recode your data in the database itself, thanks to some insane regexp based queries and helper functions. And thanks to a great deal of IRC based helping, too.